twenty six

226 7 0

Me and Max spend few days in my mom's house. We needed some quality family time. We only missed my father, after everything that happened to me i really forgot to tell him. I go the living room while Max was having a shower and my mom was in the garden.

Salut papa! il faut que je te dise quelque chose...

Est-ce que tout va bien ma fille?

Eh bien, tu te souviens bien de Max?

Ouais! il me manque! Grand lui de moi quand vous le voyez!

En fait papa...on est avec lui. Comme un couple.

Vraiment? Tellement contente pour vous deux ma fille! Encore une fois super Max de ma part! Et appelle-moi quand tu peux tu me manques!

Ouais...Tu me manques aussi papa. je t'aime!

Je t'aime aussi! Je dois y aller maintenant! A bientôt?


Hello dad! I need to tell you something...

Is everything okay my girl?

You remember Max right?

Yeah! Miss him! Great him from me when you see him!

Actually dad...we're together with him. Like a couple.

Really?? So so happy for you two my girl! Again great Max from me! And call me when you can i miss you!

Yeah...i miss you too dad! I love you!

Love you too! I gotta go now! Talk to you soon?


He hang up. I start crying a little, i missed him so much, he was far from us in Italy because of his work. Max cames out of the shower and saw me crying on the bed.

Hey hey hey it's everything okay? What happened? Why are you crying?

He pull me for a hug

I talked to my dad...he approve that we're together don't worry...i just miss him so much.

What about go to Italy to see him?

I would love to but you need to rest for the next race so-

If it will make you feel better it doesn't matter my race or how I'm feeling. Pack your things we're going to Italy.

I smiled to him

Thank means a lot to me to finally see him after so much time.

Everything for you.

We pack our things quickly and Max booked a plane for Italy. We left for the airport. I was so excited with the fact i will see my dad. I don't stop smiling the whole flight, Max was happy to see me like that. We arrive in Italy, we two go to my dad's company to see him. His secretary tell us to wait outside for him because he was in meeting. I start shaking i was happy and nervous. Max hug me trying to calm me down. We waited for a hours and my dad's meeting was finally over. His secretary let us go to him. We two enter his office and i break down in tears. My dad stand and hug me for some time then hug Max too.

Thank you, thank you for taking her here Max! I really missed my girl.

Family over everything, of course when something is important to her i always find a way to do it.

I hug him tight. His phone start ringing. He answer it and he's smile drops down. I looked at him with worried look. He answer something in dutch.

Hey is everything okay.

Um..well..not at all but take your time here and when you're ready tell me.

I grab his hand

Max tell me what's wrong

I don't want to ruin your moment, enjoy your time with your dad.

Max I'm serious..tell me

My mom is not okay, my father call me...Just i don't want to ruin your moment with your dad please enjoy it.

Max there's no way, we're leaving for Netherlands now. Come we will say bye to my dad and we will leave.

He sighed and comes with me. I know it was hard for him to choose between me and his family but he already chose me
now it's time to choose his family.

Dad it was amazing to see you but we need to leave for now, there is problem with Max's family.

My dad hug us both

Max i promise everything will be okay, whatever happened you can count on us! You're like our son. Wish you everything good and i hope you will clear the problem.

Thank means a lot!

We two leave for Netherlands, the whole flight Max was talking with his dad and sister. I hold his hand and gently hug him. He was so worried so i was trying to calm him down. We arrive in Netherlands and go straight to the hospital. We enter there and i go straight to Victoria and Max go straight to his dad. I hug Victoria

Jos turned to me

I'm glad you're here Leah..thank you for your support to Max and Victoria.

You're my second family there's no way to leave you all in this moment.

I continue hug Victoria sitting on the seats Max and Jos were walking nervously.

Jos stops and start talking

I'm going to take a coffee do you want something?

Max sigh

Get me water.

Me and Victoria doesn't want anything. Max sits next to me and lay his head on my shoulder. We were all tired, mostly Max. He's stressed and tired maybe the most worst thing before race weekend.

Max falls asleep on my shoulder. I was still comforting Victoria. Jos came back and saw Max sleeping. He sighs and continue walk nervously. After one hour one doctor to tell us update.

She is stable now, you can come and see her. Just don't stress her up.

I was hugging Max tight, we wakes up in the right time

Are you feeling okay? Your mom is stable You can see her.

He says in sleepy voice

Come with us, you're part of the family. You came here with me.

Victoria said the same we stand and all enter the room. Sophie look at all of us're here!

I can't leave Max and Victoria alone in this and you're all like my second family i felt right to be here.

Sophie smiled at me and Max lays his head on my shoulder again. look exhausted are you okay?

Max nods

Just tired mom. The important thing is that you're okay now.

Sorry for that babies, I'm okay now. Max it's the best for you to come back in Monaco for a rest. Good luck this weekend.

Thanks mom. I love you. Vic and dad will stay with you. I promise we will come after the race.

Just focus on it, you can do it.

After some time talking me and Max head to the airport to get back in Monaco. We were absolutely devastated.
We sleep the whole flight to Monaco. We go to Max's apartment. He lay on the couch and start watching something on the TV, i started cooking for him. He deserved a rest after the hard day. I make his favourite pizza. I lay next to him and hand him the pizza.

Thank you..much needed. I love you so much.

I hug him tight

You deserve it after the hard day, i just want you to have some rest before we leave for Austin.

Max nods and we start eating.

We spend time on the couch chilling and cuddling. We go to bed early because we were tired.

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