thirty six

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We fly out to Abu Dhabi with the plan for our gender reveal and the party. It's a great time to do it in Abu Dhabi after the hard season for Max.

"I'm happy I'll have finally some time with you. Deserved rest."
"Absolutely deserved. Also time to know our baby's gender."
"Can't wait! I want to know it already!"
"Later today baby."

I smile and we enter Red Bull. He get ready for the race.

"Good luck Maxie, we love you!" - I kiss him passionately
"Thank you. I'm definitely winning this for you two. Don't forget we're going to know the gender straight after the race."
"You're so exited aren't you?" - i smile
"I am! I can't wait to meet her or him."
"The date of birth is just two months after Abu Dhabi so you won't be waiting that long."
"I'm happy for that."

He drive out on the track and the race started. He was doing great on P1.

Checo was fighting with Charles for P2 in the race and in the Championship. Max was trying to help him with what he can.

Of course since he's far away from them he can't do everything but he still doing what he can.

I was staying on the pitlane waiting for the race to end.

"Guys is Leah around?" - he sounded nervous as hell
"She is here mate. Do you want to talk with her?" - Christian tried to comfort him because he needs to be calm if he wants to win it
"Yeah, I'm nervous. I know I'm already champion but i want to win it."
"Maxie...we are here. You can calm down. He or she is really proud of you, so i am. Ik houd van je."
"Ik hou nog meer van je."

The race continues, everyone were focused on that is Checo going to overtake Charles.

When there was one lap left i go with Christian and the whole team under the podium. He park his car Infront of us. He jump in the air and come to us.

"I'm so proud of you Max!" - Christian hug him
"Thank you Christian! I'm so happy right now! I've done it!" - he look at me and pull me for a hug
"You've done it Maxie!" - i wrap my arms around him
"Your daddy is world champion for a second time little one, can't wait to meet you." - he rub my belly and kiss me again
"Is it time?"
"It is, we will do it on my interview."

I took the confetti and handed one to Max. Jenson Button was interviewing Max.

"Max Verstappen! Congratulations for your second world championship! But now i think there's something that you're more interested about now."
"Yes I'm beyond happy to be a world champion again but I'm more happier i have my girlfriend here and that I'll finally know our baby's gender."
"Let's find out!"

We both blew the confetti and saw the pink color. I started crying from happiness. I saw Max with the biggest smile ever.

We were both happy of what we're going to have. I hug him tight and start crying even more.

"I'm wordless! I'm going to be a girl daddy!" - he kiss me
"Congratulations Max and Leah! We wish you easy rest of your pregnancy. We're waiting for daddy Max on the track next year! Have a great Christmas holiday! See you next season!"

After the ceremony we both head to the hotel because we're going out to celebrate Max's championship and that we're having a baby girl.

"I'm so proud of you." - i finally spoke a word since we're in the hotel
"Thank you love, I'm so grateful right now."

Max drives us to the club where everyone were waiting for us.

"Hello hello future parents!" - Kika and Pierre great us first
"Heyy!" - i hug Kika
"Mate you look tired now! I'm not sure what you're going to do when you're going to have that sleepless nights!"
"I'm sure the sleepless nights are going to be better than driving for 2 hours! And yes I'm terribly tired." - he laugh
"No time for tiredness world champ. You all need to celebrate!"
"I feel bad for you! You can't drink!"
"I'm feeling pretty well actually. I'll drink when i give a birth to our little baby girl."- i smile and me and Kika head to the girls

Max and Pierre go to the boys. He got drunk as hell but i let him drink as much as he want to. I was going to deal with him after that.

"So happy to have a girl in your belly?"-Luisa hug me
"Yeah! It wasn't planed to know it like that but I'm happy we done it today."
"You wanted it to be in Monaco?" - Heidi smile
"Yeah but now we're together and that's the important thing. Max is champion, Charles is vice champion. We deserve celebrations!"

I spend some hours there and then go back at the hotel for a rest. I left Max with the others and told them to keep an eye on him cause when he's drunk he can do stupid things.

I slept without him because he was partying till the morning. When i wake up i saw missed calls from everyone and a lot of texts. It make me quite worried cause Max was still not in the room. I call the last number who called me who was Daniel.

"Hey Danny's everything okay?"
"Leah..hey well erm..yesterday Max got in a fight with a random person in the club...he's kinda sleeping now erm he is still drunk..kinda." - he was talking quietly probably because he don't want to wake up Max
"Is he okay? Where are you two?" - i stand from the bed ready to go where he was
"In my room. He is okay i think. Just still drunk and bruised."
"I'm coming!"

I put Max's sweater on me and head to Daniel's room. When i enter there Max was still sleeping covered with few bruises.

I sit next to Daniel and look back at Max

"Please tell me you stopped him.."
"I did. He fight for you. Someone said he wants you for him and you know he was drunk as fuck and start a fight." - Daniel look down and smile
"He's so sweet but there was no need."
"He just protects you." - Daniel smile
"Can i-?"
"Yeah, I'm going out anyway. Stay with him till he wake up."
"Thanks Danny." - he nod and left

I lay next to Max and gently look at his bruises. They were big and looked painful. I felt bad he fight for me.

I stroke his hair gently and slowly kiss him. He started to wake up.

"Good morning my fighter. Are you feeling okay?" - i kiss him gently
"I feel like shit, and everything hurts. This idiot still don't get what he deserves."
"I think he got enough baby, you shouldn't have fighting him."
"And i was supposed to stay and look at him like it's normal to want you since you're mine?"
"No but i don't think there's a need for fight." - i smile
"When it's for you or our daughter I'll fight the whole world."
"I know little soldier. We love you." - i smile again and snuggle into him
"We're supposed to be back in Monaco."
"Yeah..we're supposed to. Let's go and take our stuff."

We get ready and go to the airport. After a long flight we were finally back home.

We tell our families that we're going to have little girl.

I hate I don't have ideas for this one because it's my favourite one, but now there will parts as long as i have enough time and strength cause I'm sick😭

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