thirty eight

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After a week or so spent in the hospital, we were finally able to go back home.
Max needed to leave again, even if he don't wanted to.

I was going to be okay with Mia in home, she is not much trouble. However Max still wasn't sure about leaving us that soon.

"Baby, even if i trust you I don't think i want to leave you two here." He wrapped his arm around me.
"Baby, we will be fine. Focus on racing."
"I can't focus on racing when my girls are home." He pulled me closer.
"Baby, i promise we will be fine. Mia it's not that hard to look after."
"Okay..but if there's something you will call me okay?"
"I will! Come on, start packing." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

I fed Mia, while he was packing, it was easy for me, she was going to sleep for at least two hours.

"Is she asleep?" He whispered and i nod with smile.
"Relax baby. It's fine." I chuckled and he smiled.
"How are you so relaxed darling, a life with a baby is freaking me out."
"Because you are nervous, relax!" I kissed him.
"You're doing amazing as a mom."
"You also as a dad." I smiled as he kissed me more passionately.
"As much as i enjoy your company here, you need to leave already." I laughed.
"You're practically sending me out of my apartment darling. Dirty."
"Mhm, now go before Mia wakes up because she will not let you go!" I said seriously.

After he left i focused on cleaning the apartment or cooking, something to take my mind off. I was having much energy for a mom with a 1 week old baby.

Mia was behaving well, leaving us to sleep a lot more than the expected. Which was effecting me very well.

However sometimes was a struggle when Max was training or something she was constantly crying because she wanted attention. Daddy's girl to be honest.

But now i was sure everything is gonna be okay because she was used to be in home already, to eat, to sleep for 2 hours after every eating.

Having two hours of peace was a little boring for me, I'm used to spent them with Max or whatever but now being alone is boring as hell.

I didn't even wanted to sit down and watch a movie, or to take a quick nap. I was feeling amazing.

I wanted to go with Max but i didn't because of Mia, he said she's too little to travel for so long but i was also sure we were going to be okay.

I just don't wanted to make him even more anxious or insecure because he already was. Even when i was so relaxed about everything he was the one who was constantly worried.

For him is a first child and he is scared if he's doing good and to not be like his dad. I never doubted that he'll be amazing and i never feared that he'll treat his own child the way he was treated. It was horrific.

I'm sure Max won't even allow Mia to be close to racing cars or to something that fast going. He would never have the nerve to watch her doing the thing he does.

Not because she's a girl, because he was going to be worried for her, and i totally understand him.

Soon Mia woke up, feeling hungry of course. The only thing that was bothering me was the feeding at some point. She sometimes don't want to eat and that was making me really worried.

Despite the worries she ate as much as she needed and was already happy.

I layed her on her lounger and put a quiet music on, she absolutely loves to stay there and just listen to music.

It gave me a opportunity to cook dinner and check on Max. He was a ball of nervousness for sure, but he didn't dared to call me or text me. So to ease his struggles i just texted him that everything is fine with us.

He responded immediately with a long text telling me how much he loves us and how he can't wait to be back home.

For sure he was the sweetest when it comes to this kind of things. When the people say he is an arrogant asshole they need to see him with Mia because he becomes the sweetest person on earth when she's around him.

There's never curse words or phrases, no shouting. He definitely have a spot soft for us as his family. On the track was different.

In honour of Max's birthday today, and also because i wanted to😭

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