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IT may be hard for Lauren but she had to trust Camila now that Austin and her girlfriend is on steady pace, and unknown to her someone had the same feeling she was experiencing.

Camila just got out of the Security Command Office when she heard a dribble of the ball nearby so she followed it.

She saw Chris aimlessly playing because his shot always missed.

When the ball bounce back from the ring board Camila catches it and dribbled it and Chris saw her.


“You know, when you’re playing basketball, you have to gave it all no matter the circumstances is especially if you’re the main player, you can’t lose focus,” and she positioned and shoot the ball, “because losing focus makes the team play in chaos,” and it landed perfectly, making the net sway gently then she look at to Chris.

“I can’t help it.”

“I don’t want you to worry, even Taylor and your parents, especially Lauren, but I have to, to end this once and for all, for the safety.”

“I know that.”

Camila then tap Chris’ shoulder, “I’ll be home before you know it, I promise you, I will be there during your play, so, promise me too that you will also give your all, okay?”

Chris gulped and stared at Camila’s eyes, “does it make me less a man?”

Camila smiled, “no, little bro, you heard closely the sound of a sniper and that makes you a man,” and she saw him smile, “worrying a little is not bad, you showed that you care that makes every woman find it sweet, be brave and trust me, okay?”

Chris smiled wide this time and nodded.

“Good, how about a one on one?”

“I will not hold back.”

“Game on.”

Lauren smiled when she saw it from her balcony, she chose a great woman that makes her fall in love more.



“I did what you wanted me to do! What do you still want!?” the scientist asked in fear in Chinese language.

The man stared coldly at the Chinese man, gun pointing towards him, “you just served your purpose in life,” and smirked, “you’re out of duty.”

“Stop!” and he hissed.

A gunshot rang throughout the room and another gunshots can be heard in another room too.

The man fired again, shot him in his chest then he lowered his gun.

A door was opened.

“It’s done, boss.”

Shawn Mendes turn around and walk towards the man, giving the gun, “dispose them and tell the Head Scientist that I only give him 10 days max nothing more,” and he left without waiting for a reply.

“Yes, boss.”



Camila just compiled the evidence in order when the door was suddenly opened.


Camila look back and saw Austin, “what?”

“Degeneres is on the other line, she’s waiting, Ally is already there.”

Camila quickly followed Austin.


The Jauregui’s were already in the living room and Ally, in her front is the laptop, on the screen is the calling from Degeneres.

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