▪︎ 2. Rivals ▪︎

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In case something didn't read the message I sent out, I've changed this book from Mista to Abbacchio. I'm sorry for confusing yall so much, but it just fit so much better with the storyline. I hope that's okay!

also I slept like 3 hours last night, so this chapter is a bit... well, it's lacking A LOT.


I sat down in class the next day, bringing out some of my books when someone sat down next to me. I turned my face to them and watched as the brunette man stared at me with a smirk.

"Hi there, sweetheart." He greeted me as he glanced over at my books. "Whatcha reading?"

"....History, since, uh, we're in history class?" I questioned and he sighed. His hair was put up into multiple, tiny ponytails. His whole color scheme included purple, but his eyes were bright blue.

"Yeah, yeah... Look, I noticed you hanging out with Bucciarati's group, so I probably shouldn't be seen talking to you, but I have a question."

"Wait, why shouldn't we be seen together?" I asked, and he seemed surprised.

"You don't know? Oh, well in that case... You should hang out more with me, for sure."

"No, tell me. Why shouldn't I be seen with you?" I frowned as I raised my voice slightly.

"Fine." He sighed. Bucciarati and his friends aren't exactly... Great friends with me and my friends, you know."

"You say 'friends' too much, acting like you have any." He scoffed, as if I actually insulted him.

"Geez... Either way, I'm gonna be on my way then." He was about to get up, but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait, who are you? What were you going to ask me?" He sat down again for a brief second.

"Fine, my name is Illuso. I'm looking for my friend, Pesci. He gets lost easily and we can't seem to find him." He explained, and he sounded sincere.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I've only been here for a day or so. I don't know anyone, and I probably won't have taken notice to him." I apologized as he got up again.

"Well, thanks then... Also, if anyone asks, we didn't talk to each other. Got it?"

"Hm, got it." I said and he walked away. The lecture started and Illuso placed himself as far away from me as possible.

Was there some type of rivalry going on? Had Trish forgotten to mention that or something? I couldn't completely focus on the lecture, as my mind started spinning right away. It felt like there was a lot of things going on that I wasn't aware of.


"L/N, may I speak with you?" Mr. Esposito called my name as I was about to leave. Everyone else had already exited the room, so there was only the two of us there.

"Of course, is something the matter?" I asked him and he took off his glasses. He was a middle-aged man with dark, curly hair. He didn't look terrible, but I wasn't one to go for the teachers.

"No, not at all, but you've missed a month's worth of classes, right?"

"Mr. Esposito, I-"

"I mean, that's okay, you just gotta catch up on it. Besides..." He got a little closer to me while smiling widely. "If you need any help, I'll be to your assistance, just let me know."

"Oh, uhm, of course." I said, and he gentle moved my hair out of my face.

"Really, I wouldn't mind at a-" Someone cleared their throat from the top of the stairs leading down the classroom, and I noticed Abbacchio leaning on the doorframe.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now