▪︎ 3. Breaking In ▪︎

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Daily thoughts:

I have the song "violent pornography" by System of a Down stuck in my head

I slept 14h last night, I think I'm chronically depressed (I actually am so chill)

my mom said, and I quote, "anyone can get a masters degree" a week after telling me college wouldn't work for me

apparently I'm a schizophrenic, dirty-minded, idiot. I mean, I'm sorry for actually having a personality ig?

Twitter made me into a fugio (fugo x giorno) shipper and I'm so not complaining

I seriously hope yall have a good day. like, I'm always up for a talk otherwise. my dms and comments are always open no matter what. tell me what the weather is like where u are, I don't mind

happy Thanksgiving?? idk I don't celebrate I think I'm supposed to say what I'm thankful for but I'm pretty sure I just did the opposite.

guess I'm thankful for yall? <3


"Papers? What papers?" I asked, but Abbacchio just sighed. "Look, I don't wanna be with you either, but can you at least answer me?" He stopped walking, looking down on me with a frown.

"Fine, there's some papers in the principal's office that we need. It's sort of a report on the incident about Pesci. We need it to see what they've written about the situation. Happy?" He turned his back to me, turning into a smaller corridor that I hadn't been in.

"Well, you're not exactly Mr. Happy-go-lucky either! What are we gonna do if he's in there?" I asked, speeding up a bit to catch up with him.

"He's not, Trish is keeping him occupied."

"Okay... Next problem, how do we get in?" He held up a keychain in front my face, as if he had predicted each of my questions.

"Oh... Okay, what do you plan on doing once you've found the papers?"

"...Look at them?"

"Right, dumb question. But what if it's important information? How will you let Bucciarati and the others know?" He sighed dramatically, stopping right as we reached the door to the office. Abbacchio grabbed the collar of my shirt, bringing my face only inches apart from his.

"Here's a question for you, what will I do to annoying brats who ask too many questions?"

"Something unpleasant, probably. I'll shut up now." I responded and he let go, turning to unlock the door instead.

The office had a very nice aesthetic compared to the rest of the college. The colors shifted from red, to black, to something that resembled silver. I quite liked it, but I was surprised to see Trish's own father being so different from her.

"Alright, start looking for anything that's named 'incident report' or 'Pesci'. Just..." He sighed again. "...Don't mess anything up."

"You're underestimating me..." I mumbled.

"Did you say something?" He looked up from the drawer he had just opened, and I shook my head.

"Nope, quiet as a mouse."


I began searching through various drawers on the right side of the desk, as Abbacchio searched through the left. The only things I found were family pictures, books on parenting and random notes.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now