▪︎ 4. Sulfuric Acid ▪︎

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Finishing re-watching your favorite jojo part is such a bittersweet feeling istg.

I don't know shit about science so don't judge this chapter I'm begging yall


"Do we know something new?" I asked as Giorno and I had sat down by the table in the library.

"Yeah." Mista leaned in to whisper. "The guy who drank the chemicals was Ghiaccio." (so sorry buttons)

"Ghiaccio? Is that another one of Illuso's friends?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. We're going to stick to the same plan though, okay? We'll always be with someone, no one will be alone at any time." Bucciarati responded, and I leaned back in my chair.

"Isn't it weird? Two of them, dead in the span of a week."

"Yeah, but don't overthink it, Y/N."

"How can I not? It's the only thing I think about at this point..."

"Take it easy!" Mista exclaimed as he put his hands behind his head. "It's fine! I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

"This all started once I joined. Do you really think it's that easy to not be concerned?" He shrugged at my questions, not being able to respond.

"Listen, there's multiple chemistry classrooms." Bucciarati spoke. "It hasn't been announced which classroom it happened in, since Diavolo wants to keep it on the low. Not even Trish has been told. Therefor, I think we should split up and search through all four of them."

"But class is over. Won't it be suspicious if-" Fugo began, but was quickly cut off.

"So, let's split up. Trish, you'll be with Narancia." Bucciarati explained. Was I imagining it... Or was there a faint blush across her face?

"R-Right! We'll take the first classroom."

"Good. Giorno, you'll be with Fugo. Mista will be with me." He continued, also explaing who would take which classroom. The college was big, and I was a bit surprised to know that there were multiple classrooms for the same use.

"Wait." I said. "That means I'll be with..." I looked over at Abbacchio as people got up to leave.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Abbacchio asked.

"Not at all, but keep up." I said as I grabbed my bag and left the table. His heavy footsteps followed me again. Once I left the library, I stopped.

"Well, where are we headed then?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"I know exactly where we're headed! Left!" I turned to that direction, and he placed his hand on my head, turning me to the right. "Yes, of course. Right!"

"You're hopeless." He muttered.



We reached the chemistry classroom we were checking out. Abbacchio had groaned for every step we took, dramatically sighing every time I breathed too loudly.

I touched the door handle lightly, and surprisingly, it was unlocked. The door flew open, giving us a perfect chance to walk right in.

"So, what are we looking for?" I asked as I skimmed through the labels of the bottles on a counter.

"Anything that seems suspicious. I'm not sure what, to be honest." He sighed and went through a shelf with different liquids. I had no idea what any of it was, so I didn't even know what I was looking for. Maybe I needed to find one that was almost empty? But it could have just been used for class.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now