▪︎ 11. Teasing ▪︎

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FUN THING earlier today I was in the car and nearly had a panic attack and then I saw the registration plate on the car in front of us and it said "FUG 083" AND I WAS SO CAUGHT OFF GUARD I FELT BETTER


"No way he's dead. I refuse to believe that." I told Mista as my heartbeat had slowed down a bit.

"I have proof." He argued. "Proof that he's actually dead."

"What may that be?" I walked over to him and he dangled a collection of photographs in front of my face.

"These were put up on a board by the entrance. I snatched them before anyone saw since they're sort of graphic." I looked at the pictures.

There were three of them, each depicted the body of a man with a chopped off head. It was Mr. Esposito's clothes, and one of them even showed his ID-card. Yet, something wasn't right.

"That's not Mr. Esposito."

"What? Yes it is." Mista pouted as he pointed to the pictures. "Look, ID-card!"

"I know what an ID-card is, Mista." I sighed. "But I know Mr. Esposito, even if I don't want to. That's not him. This person is too slim, there's too much muscles and the clothes doesn't sit right. The sleeves are reaching his hands, he usually have them to his elbows. The pants look too tight and he's way too pale. This is not him, this is someone else."

Mista kept quiet, and my eyes darted between him and Abbacchio who looked equally as confused. Abbacchio stood up from the bed and looked at the pictures.

"You're right. I've punched this guy enough to know this isn't him. If the killer follows a pattern, this should be either Prosciutto or Risotto. Since this guy is pretty pale, I'd say it's Risotto." Abbacchio brought his hand to his chin as he stared at the pictures.

"Impressive, but doesn't that mean that the killer only needs to kill Prosciutto as well? And why would Risotto be wearing Mr. Esposito's clothes?" I asked and he thought for a second.

"The professor most likely didn't kill anyone, but I'm pretty sure he's somewhat involved. It wouldn't surprise me if this was the killer's way of repaying him."

"So he made it seem like Mr. Esposito died so he'd be able to come and go as he wanted to?"


"You mean... He might be sneaking around campus as we speak."

"Pretty much."

"How are we going to figure this out?!"

"I think we already know the answer." Abbacchio brought out the paper he had written on yesterday, scribbling down the new information. "We just need to become aware of it."

"Right... So what do we do?" Mista asked.

"We need to figure this out. Mista, you inform the others of this. Y/N and I are going to try and figure this out." Abbacchio ordered and Mista raised an eyebrow.

"Right... I'll see you at the library."


(Part of this chapter has been removed. It will be edited in the near future)
-May 8th 2023-

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now