▪︎ 6. Leone ▪︎

535 19 151

I'd rate the Pannacotta a solid 7.5/10 Like, it was REALLY good but still pretty simple. so even if it wasn't anything that fancy, I still liked it :)

Also I'm failing biology which isn't good cuz then I can't graduate. so if anyone has ANY advice in ecology, evolution, or genetics PLEASE hit me up I'll marry u at this point (last part is optional, don't wanna cheat on Buttons either)


"Hey, Fugo!" I called as I approached him and Giorno.

"Oh, hey Y/N- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" The two ran up to me, looking at my patched up forehead and my missing bag.

"Hey, it's okay! Abbacchio helped me out, it's nothing to worry about." I explained and they gave each other a glance.

"Abbacchio helped you?" Giorno questioned as he folded his arms.

"Yeah, what about it?" They looked at each other again.

"He's not really... that type of guy."

"Oh, come on. He was being nic- Hey, uh..." I noticed a huge commotion near the main entrance. "What's going on? Why are people gathering?"

"Right..." Fugo scratched his head. "They found another body...

...in the basement."

"What? Who? When? Do we know anything?!"

"Not really, we were waiting for everyone to get here. It might be good to stay at campus for today. Not because it's safer, but because it makes it look like we haven't run away."

"I see... Should we head back? I think the library would be the best option." I suggested and the two men agreed.

"Yeah, I'll call the others and make sure they know."


On our way to the library, we passed the entrance to the basement. People were gathering, and the police had to push people back as they rolled up a man on a stretcher. Giorno pressed his hand on the side of my face that was the closest to the scene, and turned my face forward.

"Giorno, wha-"

"It's Illuso." He said, still with his hand on my face. He directed me forward, but my heart was speeding up. I was right, something had been going on. Illuso was dead. Had he been killed? What did his body look like? Where was Abbacchio?

Wait, why was I thinking about him?

Giorno kept pushing me forward, until we reached a safer and calmer corridor. There, we ran into the others. Well, not all of them, since Abbacchio was missing.

"What's going on?" Bucciarati asked as his eyes scanned our little group. Most likely, he noticed that Abbacchio wasn't there.

"Illuso has been killed. I'm sure of it now, this was definitely not suicide." Giorno replied. The air got heavier, and it felt like everything got a lot more serious.

"How do you know?"

"His body was covered in marks, burn marks. As if someone had used something and repeatedly pressed into various spots on his skin. I'm not sure if it's the reason he died, but he definitely wouldn't do that to himself."

"Who knows?" I asked. "He seemed sort of wicked." Everyone gave me a questiong glance. "Right, bad timing."

"Now that we know this is murder, there's only a matter of time until they find out too. Now, where the hell is Abbacchio?!" Bucciarati raised his voice, and I subconsciously hid behind Fugo.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now