▪︎ 5. Worries ▪︎

458 17 113

TW: HEAVY warning for SA

Also there's finally some stuff actually happening lmao

That bitch ass Duolingo owl doesn't know how to shut up



"How many classes do you have today?" Trish asked me as we reached my classroom.

"Only one, it's a longer history class. The others were canceled for some reason."

"Ah, got it. Well, someone will meet you afterwards. We usually hang out somewhere after school on Fridays, do you wanna join in?"

"Of course! That someone being Abbacchio, right?"

"Oh, come on. I've noticed you two getting closer." She winked while covering her mouth as she giggled.

"Closer to punching him across the face, yes."

"Don't be like that! I've told you, he means well."

"Yeah, sure... By the way, Squalo and Tiziano mentioned something about a conversation between Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Do you know anything about that?"

"Ah... I don't know... it's not my place to tell."

"Come on, Trish! I need to know this sort of stuff. Abbacchio wouldn't tell me!"

"Well, uhm... I guess- Wait, no. I can't tell you his secrets, he'd kill me!"

"Alright, fine. I'll see you later!"

"Yeah, later!"


Today's class was weird. Everything about it felt off. Sure, my mind was partly occupied with the thoughts about Pesci and Ghiaccio, but... Sometimes, just for a brief moment, the image of Abbacchio's face would cross my mind. It wasn't consensual, of course. It just happened as naturally as it was to breathe. He was just... there. In my head, in my thoughts.

Something else that didn't sit quite right with me, was that Illuso hadn't been staring at me today. Probably because he wasn't there. Surely everyone gets sick, but there was something about it that just didn't... feel right.

Then there was the third, and final thing. Mr. Esposito's weird mood. Ever since he found me and Abbacchio yesterday, he had been grumpy and unfocused. Even his usual, cheerful personality wasn't showing as he went through the lecture on the 18th century. He gave me quick glances here and there, as if begging me to talk to him.

What absolutely baffled me, was the fact that when everyone had left, he didn't even speak to me. He just... stayed there. Cleaning up the board, gathering his things and waiting for me to leave so he could lock up. Nothing was normal about this.

I mean, I had been here for five days, it's not like I knew what normal was... But I knew that this was not it.

I walked out the classroom. I couldn't see any of the others, so I figured they might just not be here since they were in class. After all, their classes weren't canceled, only mine. I walked through the corridors, slipping past groups of friends that were talking, or couples making out with each other. Honestly, they should get a room.

My eyes fell on Squalo and Tiziano, who smiled at me. It wasn't a kind greeting sort of smile, but it wasn't necessarily intended to be mean either. I couldn't quite tell what it was, or what they wanted. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and my eyes met with the dark, tired eyes of Mr. Esposito.

"Y/N, may I have a word with you?" His voice was soft, and gentle. But I had grown to hate it. It cut into my ear like scissors cutting into a piece of fabric.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now