▪︎ 10. Desires ▪︎

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I have a bunch of aggressions I need to take out so have some angst

shorter one but I don't think it'll he disappointing oop

my friend found a way for me to listen better during class. She handed me highlight pens and said I could color the tips of her hair. It worked! I know a bunch of stuff about genetics now! she got rainbow hair as well (I'm 18, I'm totally mature)


"Abbacchio?" I asked as he looked down on me. The air got filled with silence as the two of us just stood there for a second.

"Sorry." He said as he pushed past me and closed the bathroom door, locking me out. I frowned and cursed at the door before going back to the bed to grab my things.

If he wasn't talking to me, I saw no point in staying here. I walked over to a small mirror on the wall, making sure all of the lipstick was gone from my face as I walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

'Sorry' my ass. Was he seriously sorry for kissing me? Then why the hell did he do it in the first place?! Honestly, fuck him. He can go to hell. I don't care what happens, he can get himself murdered for all I care. I knew he was just some fuckboy. I was right, I knew it. That was most likely his goal this whole time, just fucking me.

I walked through the hallways by the dorms. My steps were heavy, and I realized I needed to take a shower. I stopped, turning around and heading to mine and Trish's dorm instead. If anything, she might be happy to see me.

I got to the familiar door, unlocking it quietly as I slowly opened it. I figured she might still be asleep, and I didn't wanna wake her. As the door slowly opened more and more, I saw Trish's pink hair sticking up underneath her blanket. What I also saw, was an orange headband and black, messy hair next to her. I closed the door again, locking it for them as I sighed.

Good for them, but there goes my plan on taking a shower. I decided I wouldn't go to any of my classes today. I didn't feel like getting touched by an old man, and I didn't want Abbacchio to save me either. I was fine on my own.

"Where are you going, Princess?" A voice asked behind me. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was Tiziano, judging by the 'princess' comment. What struck me as weird, was that he didn't have Squalo by his side.

"It's none of your damn business." I rolled my eyes at him, but he smiled.

"Last time I checked, there was a murder last night. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?"

"Cute, but I'm not buying it. Also, there's a man in my dorm so I sorta don't want to interrupt that."

"Right, of course. Trish and Narancia, right?"

"How did you- never mind."

"What about that friend of yours, Abbacchio?"

"He's not my friend! I hate him, he can burn in hell."

"Did you get your heart broken?"

"No! He's just... an idiot." It felt like someone held a tight grip around my heart, and I felt sad just thinking about him. He truly was an idiot.

"Who's an idiot?" Abbacchio asked from behind me. I turned around to look at him. He had clearly freshened himself up.

"I'm not talking to you." I turned back to Tiziano, who now was gone. I'm not sure if he thought he was playing Cupid or something, but I wasn't accepting that.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now