▪︎ 9. Lipstick Mark ▪︎

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If you don't simp for him in this chapter, I do not know how I will make you do that.


Abbacchio opened the door to his dorm. Just as he had said, Bucciarati wasn't there. I walked inside and sat down on his bed, carefully to make sure I didn't touch the knife under his pillow. There was a small note attached to a board on the wall, and Abbacchio took it down to read.

"Bucciarati went be home for a few days, he won't be back tonight." He threw away the note and brought out the registers from a drawer. He sat down next to me and handed me half of them.

"You seriously haven't checked any of these?! What the hell were you doing until two a.m?!"

"Besides watching you sleep, I actually did read a lot of them... Then I fell asleep for a while as well."

"What a reliable guy you are."

"I did carry you to your room, didn't I?"

"Yeah, reliable."


"So what exactly are we looking for?"

"Don't know."

"Any specific names?"

"Not sure."

"Did your vocabulary run out of words again?" I asked and he looked up at me as if he wanted me to shut up. I, obviously, did not shut up. "...Or are you just having trouble talking in my presence?"

"I talk fine in your presence."

"Then stop being boring and actually say stuff."

"I am not boring."

"You honestly have no personality." I looked through the files as I spoke, reading through names and dates.

"Well, neither does you."

"I'm a natural leader, don't you remember?"

"Ah, right. You're dominant in bed, I forgot."

"How do you manage to bring that up in every conversation we have?!"

"My vocabulary ran out." While he stared at the files, a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"I hate you."

"Of course, it's not like you always blush when you're with me."

"I'm just embarrassed to be around you."

"There's the door." He pointed to the exit of the room. "Feel free to leave."

"And risk getting killed? As if I'd do that."

"Then stay, but you won't get to share a bed with me."

"You don't actually think I'd share a bed with you, do you?"

"Depends, you might get so scared you wanna hold my hand again."

"Do I have to remind you that you're the one who grabbed onto me?"

"Do I have to remind you I wanted to be considerate so you wouldn't get scared?"

"Do I have to remind you of how I'm not small and vulnerable?"

"...Ah, you got me there." He admitted his defeat and I cheered in victory as he smiled at me.

"What are you smiling at?" I chuckled as I switched to the next file.


"Why? Am I being weird?" I scoffed, but he didn't sigh or anything, he just looked at me.

"No, I just realized that I don't necessarily hate hanging out with you."

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now