▪︎ 13. Fatal ▪︎

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Daily thoughts:

I have that tiktok sound "awoop jumpscare" on repeat in my mind

I had a teacher today who was kinda...... yknow..... not terrible looking

Everytime I go on pinterest I fall into the endless hole of jojo memes

I was shopping Christmas gifts for my mom. I'm no femme Fatale like Trish, so imagine how I looked as I walked past the makeup and perfume shelves. tho, the Givenchy shelf made me go "JOJO REFERENCE"

anyways I bought her a set of like bath and shower products with Sakura smell (??)

anyways uh this is the last chapter???? I'm so sorry but I didn't get as attached to this like the fugo one BUT I have a giogio one planned


The door was about to open. What was I gonna do? How was I gonna get past this? I searched through my mind for the answer, hoping I'd come up with anything useful. Luckily, I did.

Cioccolata opened the door, but wasn't met with me. I had moved myself around, placing the body in front of me, throwing it at the man who opened the door. The limbs of Paolo wrapped around the green-haired man, as Secco jumped back in shock. Quite literally, I took a leap of faith. I jumped over the pile of bodies as I ran. The door to the other cabinet opened, and Abbacchio stepped out as well.

I rushed towards the door, hoping I'd make it in time. My hand almost grasped the door handle when someone grabbed onto my ankle. My head hit the floor, and I got dragged back to the original spot.

"Well, if it isn't the old couple." Cioccolata said as he pushed the dead body off of him. "Secco, make sure you get this."

"Yes! Of course, yes Cioccolata!" The other man answered as he held up the camera. Cioccolata stood up, leaning over my body. So far, I hadn't caught a glimpse of Abbacchio.

"Why are you doing this?!" I asked, and Cioccolata snickered.

"Because it's fun, darling." His large hand grabbed my face, pulling me up until I sat on my knees in front of him. "Secco?"

"Yes, Cioccolata??" Secco eagerly answered.

"Give me the hammer." My heart sunk to the ground as he said those words.

"W- What do you need a hammer for?" I asked as Cioccolata pressed his nails into my skin. His right hand reached towards Secco, who handed him a thick hammer. I'm pretty sure it's called a 'dead blow hammer' which would be kind of ironic if it weren't for the fact that I was about to die. Well, that's also why it's ironic.

"Secco, record her expression as I land the finishing blow." He ordered, raising the hammer into the air. I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the impact to hit. I'll die, I was sure of it. I was just waiting.

But it never came.

The fatal blow to my head never came.

In fact, his hand even let go of my face.

I opened my eyes, and watched as Abbacchio's hand had grabbed onto the hammer. He ripped it out of Cioccolata's hands, and slung it towards his head. The dead blow did not hit me, but Cioccolata. Straight into the head as well. The skull cracked, everyone could hear it. The hammer left a concave shape to his forehead, and it bled immensely.

"Abbacchio!" I exclaimed as I got up. His arm wrapped around me in a half-sided hug. He wasn't much for physical touching in public, which probably meant he was greatly worried about me.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now