▪︎ 7. Making Conversation ▪︎

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it's a long one I think???

btw do yall like that my stories are written in first person? I rarely see stories like that so maybe it's bad


It was Sunday.

After Abbacchio and I reunited with the others, Trish said her dad wanted her to be home for the weekend. That would leave me alone, so she offered to let me stay at her place for two days. I accepted her offer, and stayed with her for the weekend.

Diavolo updated us on the situation with the school. This morning, he even got a phone call regarding the situation. Apparently, someone had been arrested and was under interrogation.

We were on our way back now, just about to park the car that Trish was driving. So far, we didn't notice anything weird. Everything seemed normal, and perhaps the situation was solved.

Someone had been arrested, so the murders should stop, right?

A part of me felt a bit nervous, for some reason. I hadn't seen the others for two days, and I actually missed them. Even Abbacchio's weird jokes, if you can call them that.

It did feel odd, though. That it was over, just like that. Suddenly, there just wasn't a murderer roaming the halls.


"Trish!" Narancia exclaimed as he saw us, running up to embrace her. Trish on the other hand, looked extremely flustered and barely knew what to do until she hugged him back.

"Hey, Narancia... I've only been gone for the weekend." She said, but he kept hugging her.

"So? I missed you!" He smiled as he looked at her, and she happily smiled back. The others sat at the table in the library, and even Abbacchio didn't look as pissed as usual. I sat myself down next to him, grabbing his hand to take a look.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, and I shot him a glance.

"Checking up on your bruised hand, what does it look like?"

"You don't have to do that." He turned his head away, but didn't pull back his hand. It wasn't as swollen as it was two days ago, but the colors still shifted throughout it.

"If you get to be my nurse, I get to be yours." I pointed to the small cut on my forehead that had healed properly.

"...At least I do a good job."

"Did you say something, Leone?"

"I thought we clarified when you should use that name."

"Not clearly enough, obviously."

"Would you like me to repeat what I said? Sure, you should only-"

"Okay, point made." I let go of his hand, which he wasn't prepared I'd do. It landed on the table with a slam, causing him to wince in pain.

"Since when are you two such good friends?" Mista questioned as he leaned closer to us.

"We're not." Abbacchio and I replied at the same time. We looked at each other for a second, as if we wanted to kill each other. I didn't really want to do that though, because for some reason my gaze traveled down to his purple lips again.

"Soooo..." I turned to Bucciarati. "Do we know who's been arrested?"

"Yeah, it was a teacher named Paolo Esposito." I nearly choked on my own saliva.


"Yeah, there's a rumour going around that he did it for some girl who studies here, but I'm not sure exactly why." My heart was beating out of my chest, and I felt scared. Pure fear, as you might call it.

▪︎Murder Mystery▪︎  Abbacchio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now