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28 June, 1997 (Friday)

It was the last day of classes and Scarlett Malfoy was running through the hallway of the Slytherin dorms. She had woken up thirty minutes before and was on her way to go find her cousin Draco.

She ran into his room and plopped down in the chair in the corner of the room. Draco had been in his closet and stepped out when he heard the door close. "What are you doing in here? I told you to start knocking."

She shrugged, "It's the last day I couldn't help it. We leave in an hour, aren't you so excited?"

Draco rolled his eyes, not excited at all. He had DeathEater duties all summer. He was glad she got to be happy, carefree and excited, but he didn't get that luxury. "Thrilled."

She sighed, "Be a little more enthusiastic, Draco."

He smiles at her, "I can't wait to spend my entire summer at home with you, my dear cousin, and I can't wait for Theo to come over every day and annoy you."

Her smile faded, "I hate Theo."

"I know."

"Why do you torture me like this Draco? Do you love seeing me upset. Theo is everywhere always. It's so annoying."

Just then, Theo walked in. "Who's annoying?" He asks.

She huffs, "Well speak of the devil," looking down at her socks, avoiding eye contact with Theo.

"Scarlett says that you're annoying." Draco informs him.

He fakes a gasp, "I feel betrayed, Scarlett. I thought we were great pals, best acquaintances, dare I say- lovers."

She rolls her eyes, "You're unlovable, Theo."

He shakes his head and collapses onto his bed, "Your words can't hurt me, Scar."

"Well damn, it was worth a try." She replies sarcastically.

Draco rolls his eyes at the two of them. Their constant bickering annoyed him. He loved Scarlett and he loved Theo. He also loved watching Theo annoy her, but sometimes they just both needed to shut up.

"Oh, come on S, your life would be miserable without me constantly bothering you." Theo informs her.

"Theo, if you dropped off the face of the earth right now, I'd probably giggle. Not an ounce of sadness to be found."

He clutches his chest, "My heart!" He exclaimed sarcastically.

She looks back down at the floor to hide the small smile that was currently taking over her face. As much as she hated him, she couldn't help but sometimes find his outbursts funny.


Once she arrived back to Malfoy Manor, she quickly ran into her room to get everything unpacked and ready before she'd head to eat supper with her family. She caught a glimpse of the one family picture that she had with her mother and father, it sat on her night stand. Both of her parents deaths were still unsolved and she didn't talk about them much. A pang of sadness washed over her. As much as she loved Narcissa and Lucius, she sometimes wondered what life would've been like if her parents hadn't died.

Would she be at Hogwarts? Would she be a Slytherin? Would she have ever met her aunt and uncle? If her parents were alive, would she still be friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron? Would she be nicer if they were alive?

She had so many questions and no answers, because she'd never know. Their deaths were tragic and untimely but they were in the past. Things couldn't be changed and she knew not to dwell. The past was simply the past.

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