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29 June, 1997 (Saturday)

Scarlett woke up at three a.m unable to go back to sleep from excitement. She couldn't wait to go try on her dress. She'd picked out a gorgeous emerald green one that had a flowing tulle skirt. She'd seen it in the window a few days ago and decided it was the one she'd wear. She also decided who she wanted her date to her ball to be. Adrian Pucey. He was one year ahead of her and played quidditch with Draco.

She had her Charms class with him and shared a table with him. Sometimes their arms brushed when they were writing so obviously it was meant to be. She thought he was very cute, he had dark brown hair that was always parted down the middle and he had pretty blue eyes. He was also pretty good at quidditch and he looked super cute on the field.

It was almost time for her and Narcissa to go to her dress appointment and as the two sat in a small Muggle coffee shop with thirty minutes to spare before their appointment, they talked about her ball.

"I think for the colors I think I'd like to stick with our House colors. So I'd like a green dress. I've been thinking about who I want as my date, and I think I'd like Adrian Pucey to be it." She was telling Narcissa, who was nodding along every few minutes.

"Oh, that would be perfect! In fact, I saw a green dress in the window the other day, maybe you'd like it?"

"I saw that one! I loved it!"

"Perfect, that'll be the one we can get then! As for Adrian, I can send an owl to his father tonight to ask if they'd like to attend and if Adrian would like the honor of being your date."

Scarlett smiles, "I can't wait."

"I know," Narcissa smiled, "I'm so excited, I'd always wanted a daughter to throw a debut ball for."


After their day of dress shopping, they stopped at a The Three Broomsticks for a late lunch before heading home. Narcissa planned on using this time without the boys to find out what was going on between Theo and Scarlett.

"So Scarlett, why don't you want to ask Theo to escort you to the ball?"

Scarlett looked at her confused, "Theodore? Why would I ask Theodore?"

Narcissa gave her a slight smile, "I was under the impression that you might have liked him. Or that he likes you."

Scarlett made a disgusted face, "Ew! Cissy, he's gross and obnoxious. He's Draco's best friend too. Draco would murder me."

Narcissa laughed, "I think ultimately Draco just wants you to be happy. Besides, most boys are gross and obnoxious. You should've seen Lucius twenty five years ago, he wore his hair slicked back and had a constant frown on his face, except when he was pestering me. His father was friend of my father and so he was always at our house. Lucius would chase me around with bugs when we were children. Then when we got older, he'd jump from corners and scare me. He was constantly bothering me. During our last year at Hogwarts, their was a party in the Slytherin common room and a slow dance played and he asked me to dance, I said yes. You should've seen the look on his face. He was shocked. He thought I'd say no. But I didn't. We danced and it was like every star aligned."

She paused for a second, realizing she'd gotten a little off track, but Scarlett nodded for her to continue, "A few months later, school was over and my father told me I was to be married soon. This was more common when I was a girl, most Pureblood fathers had a friend that had a son or daughter your age and when you came of age you were married to them, to strengthen the family alliances. I was devastated, of course,  I hadn't heard from Lucius since we left the school, but I still liked him. However, it ended up that I was to marry him. I suppose I should've been devastated that my future had been planned for me but I was thankful. Thankful that it was to someone who I'd known and grew up alongside. I was thankful that there was a chance I'd actually have a loving marriage instead of a loveless one— like Bellatrix's."

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