twenty five

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14 July, 1997 (11:30p.m, Saturday)

Everyone had left the manor at eleven o'clock. Astoria went home with her parents, Theo went with his father, and Draco had gone to bed. Scarlett was laying in her bed reading a book. She was debating going to sleep but she really wanted to finish the last three chapters.

And she was. Well, she was going to until someone knocked on her door, "Come in!" She yelled.

Narcissa stepped in the room and shut the door behind her, "Well, was it everything you hoped for?" She asked, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

Scarlett nodded, "It was amazing!"

"I take it you and Theo have made up?" Narcissa asked with a mischievous look in her eye.

Scarlett turned red, "I know you said not to kiss him anymore if I'm with Adrian because it's unladylike but technically he didn't show up to dance with me so it was over."

Narcissa raised her hands in defense, "I wasn't judging. I just want to know if you've made up."

Scarlett smiled, "Yeah we have. We're not telling Draco yet. I just want to make sure we'll work out first."

She nodded, "I see. Well, perhaps the hallway isn't the best place to make sure it works out." She teased.

Scarlett lifted her book up to cover her face, "Cissy, please, I cannot talk to you about that."

"Scarlet Isabella Malfoy! You can talk to me about anything! I'm always here to listen. I would rather you just tell me things then have to find out from someone random."

"Cissy, you find things out from the walls or floorboards or something like that, don't try and convince me someone's telling you." Scarlett joked.

Narcissa rolled her eyes, "Well, maybe if you learned where those spots are you'd learn to avoid them."

"I found a secret passageway today so I think you just travel through the passages and overhear things."

"Which one? The one that's in the library that leads to you and Draco's rooms?"

Scarlett nodded.

"Unfortunately, Astoria found that one before I did. She's already learning, it makes me so proud." Narcissa held her hand over her heart.

"So is that how you do it? You're just in the passageways at the wrong time?"

"I'll neither confirm nor deny."

Scarlett grinned, "You've revealed your secret."

Narcissa shrugged, "I have plenty more."

Scarlett frowned, "Not fair."

"Well, tell me, are you two planning on how to keep this big of a secret from Draco? You know, he and Theo are always together so it'll look suspicious if Theo just suddenly ditches him for you."

"I know. I haven't figured it out yet." She paused. "I have a question."

Narcissa looked up at her, nodding for her to continue.

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