thirty two

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9 September, 1997 (10:41a.m, Tuesday)

this chapter contains
nsfw content i will
put *** where it begins

Scarlett was walking to her first class of the day, she was thirty minutes late and the hallway was completely empty.

She was almost to the class and she was dreading it, Divination was not her strong suit. In fact, it was rather-

She could hear footsteps behind her, it sounded like someone was running up to her, before she could turn around, an arm was wrapped around her, "Hey!" Theo Nott greeted.

She looked up at him and smiled, "Shouldn't you be in class?"

He shrugged, "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I'm running a bit late."

She tried to turn left but Theo stopped her, "Since you're already late, I don't think it'll matter if you're a bit later, wanna go somewhere?" He asked her.

She smiled, "We've talked about this, I'm not hooking up with you in a broom closet."

He rolled his eyes, "Come on, live a little." He teased, "No one's going to walk in, the halls are empty. We can find an empty classroom."

"If we get caught, you're taking the blame."

He grinned, "Deal."

She looked down the hallway, there was still no one around, "Where are we going?"

"Muggle studies classroom, I heard Zabini say that the first years were going on a trip today with Professor Burbage."

"Okay, let's go." She took his hand and let him pull her towards the classroom.

After what felt like forever, the two stopped in front of the shut classroom door, Scarlett looked up at him, "What if there's someone in there?"

He grabbed the doorknob and pulled her closer, "See, no one's in there." He swung the door open.

...Only to be met with the eyes of twenty five first years and one unhappy Professor Burbage.

Scarlett held back a laugh, Theo was dumbfounded, he made an attempt to grab at the door and shut it— and maybe make a run for it, but Burbage was already at the door.

"What is the meaning of this interruption? I would hope it's not for what I think it is." She asked, looking between the two.

Scarlett turned red, "Of course not, Professor, we were sent to, um, grab books... for Professor Snape?" Her sentence came out as more of a question and she sounded more confused than she intended to be.

Burbage nodded, unconvinced, "I see, and what are your names? I don't think I've taught you two before."

Theo cleared his throat, before Scarlett could make the situation any worse, he spoke up, "Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass."

Burbage made a hmph noise, "Slytherin's I presume?"

Scarlett nodded. 

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