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1 September, 1997 (7:45a.m, Monday)

Scarlett was standing beside Draco at Platform 9 and 3/4. She was waiting for Narcissa and Lucius to come back, they had walked away momentarily for some reason. They had asked for the two teenagers to wait for them before leaving.

"What do you think they're doing?" She asked Draco.

He shrugged but had a knowing grin on his face, "I don't know."

She rolled her eyes, "It seems like you do know."

"You know the train leaves in ten minutes, right?" Theo Nott asked them as he walked up behind them.

Draco groaned, "Don't remind me."

Scarlett looked around, "I really don't think they're going to make it back in time."

Draco turned to look in the direction she was looking, "There they are." He pointed.

"What is Lucius holding?" She asked, she couldn't really see from that far away.

Lucius and Narcissa walked up to the teenagers. Lucius was holding a cat in his hand, he was looking down at it in disgust.

"I believe each student is allowed one pet at Hogwarts, yes?" Lucius asked, stopping in front of Scarlett.

Scarlett slowly nodded, "Yes, but you said we only needed one owl, so who's cat is this?" She asked.

He held the small creature out to her, "It's yours. I think it's a he by the way. I hope you'll remember our agreement, you get a cat as long as you stop calling me Luci. So next time I see you, I hope you'll be calling me father or Lucius. Not Luci."

Narcissa smiled at the girl, "He made sure to get a boy that way you couldn't name a girl cat Lucy out of spite."

Scarlett was grinning, "Oh my Merlin. I can't believe it. Thank you!" She was so excited. She couldn't believe he'd remembered their conversation.

"You take good care of him, Scarlett. We already got Snape to take your cats belongings to the common room, so it'll be waiting on you when you get there."

"Thank you!" She exclaimed, pulling Lucius and then Narcissa into hugs.

Lucius gave her a rare smile, "Now you three must be on your way. The train is leaving soon. Write to us soon."

Lucius and Narcissa watched as the three teenagers (and cat) disappeared through the wall of 9 and 3/4 and headed off to Hogwarts for another year of school.

"That was so nice of them to buy you a cat, Scarlett, I asked my dad if he'd buy me a ferret after my fourth year and he told me no." Theo was explaining as they walked to the train.

"Why would you want a ferret?" She asked, extremely confused.

"Don't worry about it." Draco mumbled.

She had more questions but never asked them because Astoria ran over to them, "Scarlett, I've missed you!" She exclaimed as she pulled the blonde girl into a hug.

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