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12 July, 1997 (8:30p.m, Thursday)

Theo Nott was getting up and getting ready for his shower, he could smell something being cooked from downstairs and it smelled good. He couldn't wait to eat whatever it was.

So he went to go take his shower, hoping it'd be waiting for him when he got back to bed. He ran the water, took his clothes off, stepped into the shower, his arm didn't burn today, it was finally not so red and puffy, he took his time washing his hair and body, because today he didn't hurt. He felt a bit better.

When he finally got out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and dried off. When he walked out of his bathroom, there was no food on the bed. In its place was a note.

Dear Theo,

I understand how hard it is to lose a parent. I know we aren't on the best terms right now, but I'm here if you'd like to talk.

Draco misses you terribly by the way. He has no idea I'm writing this to you but he hasn't left his room since the funeral.

If you're up for it, maybe you can come visit him. Cissy and Lucius are away tonight.


After reading it, he threw the note onto his bed and grabbed a sweatshirt from his closet. It had some Muggle sports team on it, his mother had gotten it for him in America, it was one of the only casual sweaters he owned. He didn't want anyone to see his Dark Mark and he didn't want anyone to question why he was dressed in a suit, because the only other clothes with long sleeves that he had were suits.

So he settled for the sweatshirt. He walked downstairs, his father was sitting in the parlor reading The Daily Prophet. Theodore looked up at him, "Going somewhere?"

"The Malfoy's. I'll probably stay over." He mumbled as he walked over to the floo.

"So I take it your done sulking now?" Theodore asked.

Theo rolled his eyes, "I'm sure I'll find something new to sulk over soon."

"Like when a certain blonde girl dances with her boyfriend instead of you on Saturday?" His father asked, peering up at him over the newspaper.

Theo sighed, turning towards his father, "I don't like Scarlett."

"Whatever you say, son. But I can always arrange it with Lucius, we could set you two up to marry."

Theo rolled his eyes, "I don't want to be arranged to marry her. When it's time for me to find a wife, I can do it myself. I don't need your help."

With that being said, he stepped in the Floo and a few seconds later stepped into the parlor of the Malfoy Manor.

Scarlett was sitting across from the fireplace on the armrest of a chair, "I figured you'd show up sooner or later."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not here to see you."

She blinked, she didn't expect his attitude, "Oh."

"Where's Draco?"

"In his room. You're a bit too late though, Astoria got here five minutes ago and went up there to check on him, so I guess you have to see me now."

CRUEL SUMMER ⌗theo nott [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now