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30 June, 1997 (Sunday)

Scarlett was laying out in the garden of the Manor. She'd woke up at seven and had been out reading a book ever since. She had her sunglasses on and was sprawled out on a blanket. Holding the book above her face, only putting it down occasionally to pick up a cookie that was in a box beside her. She had decided that she'd spend the day reading and maybe getting a bit of a tan. She didn't have anything better to do.

Daphne Greengrass was away visiting family in Italy. There was a Dark Lord holding meetings in her drawing room. Narcissa was away visiting a friend. Draco was locked away in his room trying to figure out how to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts. And Theo Nott was- well, she actually didn't know what he was doing.

Theo Nott was staring down at her from Draco's window. He'd grown bored of helping the blonde boy plan and he couldn't go to the Malfoy library because there were a few Death Eaters in there that he'd rather not have to see.

In fact, he was surprised that Scarlett was comfortable sitting outside by herself when there were a group of awful men lingering around her house. Honestly he didn't even know if she knew that the Dark Lord was there. She did know, but she ignored it. She had no use for the information.

As long as no one forced her to get one of those ugly tattoos, she was perfectly content ignoring the situations going on around her.

Theo turned away from the window as she put her book down, hoping she hadn't noticed him. "Draco, you need to find something to do to get your mind off of this for a while."

Draco looked up at him, "I can't get my mind off it, I'll be killed."

Theo rolled his eyes, "Pucey's parents are out of the country, we could go to his party he's throwing tonight."

"Neither of us like Adrian." Draco reminded him.

"We can go and judge his party throwing skills."

Draco nodded, "That's a good plan. What time?"

"I say we Floo there at ten."


At ten o'clock that night, Draco snuck out of his room. Passing by the sleeping portraits and Scarlett's room, he headed downstairs. Outside, Theo Nott was coming through the garden gate and would climb into the first floor window.

To the both of the boy's surprises, Scarlett was sitting in the chair by the fireplace waiting for both of them. Theo didn't see her as he walked past her, it was too dark. No one noticed her until she said a quick spell and the tip of her wand lit up, "And just where do you two think you're going?" She asked.

Theo turned to face her, "Just out and about."

Draco nodded, "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Draco it's ten o'clock on a summer night, why would I be asleep?" She had a point. "So just where are you two going?"

"Oh you know, just around London." Theo tried.

"Liar! You're going to Adrian's party."

"Shhh! Keep your voice down." Draco whisper shouted.

"Can I come?"


"Were you two even invited?"

Theo scratched his head, "Umm, not really. Pansy told us."

Draco swatted him, "Stop telling her this."

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