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02 July, 1997 (1:30a.m, Monday)

Scarlett stepped through the fireplace of the Manor and was immediately greeted by Draco, "Where have you been?" He asked.

"At Adrian's. I told you this before I left."

"Scarlett, it is one in the morning!" He exclaimed.

She shrugged, "So?"

"So?" He asked, "So Maybe you'd think to be home before that and not worry me half to death?"

"If you should be worried about anyone it's Theo. He gave Adrian a bloody nose and cut his face all up."

"He did what anyone would do in that situation."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, "So you frequently throw glasses at other boys because they can't take a joke?"

"He didn't just joke, he said some other horrible things about you."

She rolled her eyes, "No he did not, Draco. He made a joke, Theo walked in and told him it wasn't very gentleman like, I excused myself to the bathroom and a few seconds later I come back to Theo being on top of Adrian."

"So you blindly assume that it's Theo's fault?"

She nodded, "Most things tend to be his fault."

Draco scoffed, "Scarlett, I know that you don't like Theo and Merlin forbid I hope you never do, but he was looking out for you and your safety. Once Adrian kicked him out you should've left with him. There was no reason for you to be there alone with him. You've met him once, he's two years older than you and he's a shitty person."

She sighed, "Draco, Theo instigated it. It's his own fault he got kicked out."

Theo, who had been in the kitchen fixing tea, had quietly walked into the room and was listening to their conversation, "Do you want to know what he said about you, Scarlett?" He asked her.

Scarlett nodded, "Actually yes, I'd love to hear exactly what made you feel like you needed to result to violence towards him."

"He said that it wasn't a joke, that it was painfully obvious that you liked him, that he has you wrapped around his finger, and that you'll be screaming his name and not mine and to not be sad."

"He wouldn't say that."

"Scarlett, you have no idea what he would say, why would Theo lie about something like that? Why would he come back here and tell me exactly what Adrian said— an uncomfortable conversation by the way, I would like to never have to hear anyone talk about having sex with you- that's weird and you're basically my sister, so why would he come back and lie about it? Have you considered that maybe you don't know Adrian as well as you think you do?"

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

She disappeared up the stairs, Draco collapsed in the chair and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, "Why are girls like this?" He asked to no one in particular.

Theo shrugged, "At least you tried." He had a pack of frozen peas held up to his nose.

Draco looked up at him, "Thanks for defending her, even though she's too stupid to realize it."

Theo smiled at him, "I think I'll head home tonight. I think your house elves are tired of me."

Draco nodded and watched as the boy disappeared through the Floo. He walked up the stairs, he saw that Scarlett's light was still on so he knocked.

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