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04 July, 1997 (6:42p.m, Wednesday)

Scarlett was in the process of packing an overnight bag, she was invited to Astoria's to stay the night and since she didn't have her dance lessons the next day- she said yes.


She didn't talk to Astoria much, this summer being the first time they've really ever conversed.

She was pretty sure the only reason that Astoria wanted her to come over was to gossip about Adrian, Draco, and Theo.

Regardless, it'd be nice to get out of the house, especially since Theo was there again. Gosh, didn't he have other friends?

She put one last shirt in the bag and then walked from her room down to the fireplace.

She stepped into it and a few moment later appeared in the fireplace of Greengrass Manor.

It was about forty minutes away from Malfoy Manor so the chances of running into Theo was slim.

But never zero.

She stepped out of the fireplace and greeted the Greengrass house elf, he gave her directions to Astoria's room. When she finally made it up the winding stairs and walked into her room, Astoria stood up and ran over to her, pulling her into a hug, "I thought you'd never get here!"

Scarlett awkwardly laughed, she didn't like hugs.

"I have so much planned for us, mum said it'd be okay if we went into the Alley and eat there instead of with her and my dad. Daphne is gone for the week, she went to Italy with the Bulstrodes. I was going to see if Draco and Theo wanted to come with us to eat."

Scarlett shook her head, "Theo and I aren't speaking right now."

Astoria frowned, "Because of Adrian?"

"If I tell you, you can't ever tell anyone, especially not Draco."

Astoria nodded, "I pinkie promise."

"I accidentally kissed him the other night, the next morning he came and apologized to me and I told him I didn't like him and that he bothers me. He told me he was sorry and would never bother me again."

Astoria blinked, "Oh.. Wow."

"Yeah, it's a lot."

"But you like him, don't you?"

Scarlett shook her head, "I don't. I could never date him. I like the attention he gives me, but we're so different, we just wouldn't work."

"Well you wouldn't know that until you try."

"I can't try regardless because I'm technically dating Adrian."

"What Adrian doesn't know won't hurt him. Just hang out with Theo, see how it goes. It's not cheating if you aren't labeling it."

Scarlett nodded, Astoria had a point. In a slightly fucked up way, she had a really good point.

Scarlett was about to respond but a knock came at the door and Astoria walked past her to open it, Mrs. Greengrass walked in, "Girls, if you're wanting to go to the Alley, you need to be going soon. I expect you both back by 11 o'clock at the latest."

"Yes, Mum, we were thinking of asking if Draco and Theo would like to come with us. Would that be okay?"

Mrs. Greengrass nodded, "A double date?"

Scarlett shook her head, "I'm not dating Theo."

"Yet." Astoria mumbled under her breath.

Mrs. Greengrass nodded, "I suppose that would be okay. I trust that you two will act like the young ladies you've been raised to be? I don't want to hear anything bad back about how you two act, I'm sure Narcissa wouldn't like to hear anything back either."

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