Ch. 1: The Darkness has return

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We hear sirens echoing, citizens running for cover, thunderous dark clouds rumbling and our heroes positioning themselves for battle.

Buzz: *on the speaker* "Battle stations everyone! The Darkness has return! All citizens must head for cover and remain stationery until the situation is sorted!"

All skylanders and portal masters were in position ready themselves for the biggest battles of there lives. Out from the front window balcony stand a tall ghostlike man with a long white beard, he was also wearing a blue-ish robe and helmet with horns, he was the greatest among all of the Portal Masters and the head of Skylander Academy...... Master Eon.

Master Eon: "Skylanders! Portal Masters! The day has come, the Darkness has return! Everything that we have trained you has prepared you for this moment! It's time to end this for good! Charge!!"

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Master Eon: "Skylanders! Portal Masters! The day has come, the Darkness has return! Everything that we have trained you has prepared you for this moment! It's time to end this for good! Charge!!"

With that mighty war cry Every Skylander and Portal Masters charged into battle as the The Darkness struck down and summoned it's army.

With that mighty war cry Every Skylander and Portal Masters charged into battle as the The Darkness struck down and summoned it's army

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(Start at 0:54 and stop at 1:15)

The battle went from minutes to hours with little to no avail, every time our heroes took out a horde of enemies the Darkness keeps on summoning more.

But it's seems that with every summoning the Darkness cast the weaker it gotten, our heroes saw this as a chance and kept on pushing forward.

But little what they didn't realise was that the Darkness was storing it's power energy, charging it and waiting for the right moment to strike down its full power.

Bruno's P.O.V:

Bruno: "Come On! Is this the best you got?! I can do this all day!"

I yelled at the thunderous clouds with confidence as this battle was going to end soon.

Skylander: "Keep it up everyone! We're nearly there! It's getting weaker every minute! We got this, Keep pushing forward!"

We kept pushing on and it seems like victory was going to be ours that was until the Darkness stopped summoning more horde of enemies as it just stayed there and did nothing.

We thought the worst was finally over until suddenly enormous amounts of dark energy was spiralling into the centre of the hurricane and without a second to think it shot a massive lighting strike at the centre of the courtyard.

We realise that it was aiming towards the Villan vult where all the captured villans were held in crystallised traps, we tried to catch up to it and stopped it but it was too late.

3rd Person P.O.V:

A massive explosion erupted from the villan vult as a pillar of light shined and went straight up into the centre of the hurricane as it wasn't bad enough it started pulling everyone in, everyone grabbed on to something for dear life not wanting to get sucked in.

But Bruno had the short end of the stick as he was held on a rock and was too close to the beam, he held on with all his might until the rock came loose and Bruno was sucked in the beam and into the hurricane.

Everyone: "BRUNO!!!"

Then as if nothing happened the clouds begin settling down and the blue sky's were coming back, everyone looked up where Bruno was with shock and terror on there faces.

Bruno's P.O.V:

As I was taken away from Skylands all I saw was complete nothingness. As my eyes open I realised I was drowning and began swimming up to the surface.

As I came up and took a breath, I saw I was somewhere I never seen before.

As I got up and try to find an exit on getting out of this place I heard above me what sounded like voices, 8 be exactly

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As I got up and try to find an exit on getting out of this place I heard above me what sounded like voices, 8 be exactly.

One of them felt as if someone was here and began searching for them, I was about to call out to the stranger until I plummet further down in the water and got hit on the head by something as I passed out

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One of them felt as if someone was here and began searching for them, I was about to call out to the stranger until I plummet further down in the water and got hit on the head by something as I passed out.

As my lifeless body sunk deeper in the water I felt a bright golden light glowed around me as my body was now on the soft ground as I layed there peacefully.

Bruno The Portal Master (The Owl House x Skylanders)Where stories live. Discover now