Ch. 3: Welcome to The Owl House

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Eda got face to face with Bruno as he was little uncomfortable.

Bruno: *nervous* "Um... Is everything okay? Is there something on my face?"

Eda got a closer look and his ears were indeed round.

Eda: "Yep, you're a human alright."

Bruno: "Is that good news or bad news?"

Eda: "Eh, there's nothing to worried about kid, its just its rare to see humans here on the Isles."

Luz: "How did you came to The Boiling Isles?"

Bruno: "The Boiling what now?"

Eda: "The Boiling Isles are a chain of islands in the Demon realm. Every legend that exists among humans is caused by a bit of our world into the human world from griffons to giraffes."

Bruno: confused "Giraffes?"

Eda: "Yeah we banned those creeps."

Just then Shroomboom pops in startling the trio.

Shroomboom: "Is everyone alright?"

Eda took notice by this and just shrugged it off.

Eda: "A talking mushroom? Well I've seen it all now."

Luz: "Wait, how did you here anyway?"

Just then he almost forgot and told them everything that happened to him.

Eda: "Sounds like that Darkness creep stranded you here, I'm guessing you can't go back right?"

Bruno nodded his head, Eda then thinks to herself till she had an idea.

Eda: "Say kid."

Bruno: "The names Bruno."

Eda: "Right, well Bruno since you and Shroomy helped me why not you come and stay with us at my place?"

Luz & King: *surprised* "WHAT?!"

Luz: "Really?! He can stay with us?!"

King: "but Eda we already have Luz, why do we need another one?"

Eda: "Well as the saying goes; two are better than one, anyways, what do ya say kid? Are you in?"

Bruno: "Well, it's not like I got anywhere else to go, so, sure I'm in, miss~?"

Eda: "Oh right! Where are my manners kid? I'm Eda, Eda the Owl Lady! I see you already met King my roommate and my pet."


Eda: "Yeah yeah, sure, and this is Luz the Human and my former apprentice. I can already tell you've met eachother already."

Luz: "Yep."

Bruno: "Well Eda, I accept your offer!"

Eda: "That's what I like to hear, what about you Shroomy?"

Shroomboom: "I wish I could but I got to get back to the Academy to let Master Eon and everyone else know that Bruno's alright. Could ya kid."

Bruno: "Good idea I'll see you soon."

Shroomboom: "See ya around kid."

Bruno called out his book as it came out of his bag which startle the trio.

Bruno: "SHROOMBOOM return!"

The beam appeared as Shroomboom said his goodbye, as the light faded he was nowhere to be found.

Bruno The Portal Master (The Owl House x Skylanders)Where stories live. Discover now