Ch. 10: Books gone Bad

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We sees the 2 hooded figures over by the door. As they made sure the coast was clear they tried opening the only to find out its locked.

???: *grr* "Stupid door! Why won't you open!"

???: "Maybe its gotta do with the Wailing star meteor shower that's happening tonight."

???: "Meteor shower or not I dont care!"

The short one tries to use his magic to break down the door only to hear someone coming.

They quickly hid within the bushes, as they looked they saw Luz and Bruno walking up to the front door.

Bruno's P.O.V:

Once we got there Luz starts to worry as she was pacing.

Luz: "Relax Luz, just be cool~"

And by cool she means doing cool poses.

Bruno: "Luz, please stop."

Emria: "Nah, Keep going. This is entertaining."

The duo were spooked by the Blight siblings who were standing infront of them.

Bruno: "How long have you guys been there."

Edric: "Since the beginning."

Emira: "And since you guys are now here, shall we?"

We both nodded as we made out way to the front door only to find it locked.

Bruno: "Dang it, It's locked."

Edric: "Don't worry, we have something that can help."

He said as Emira pulled out what looks like some sort of scroll. As she holds it up to the door it's starts glowing.

 As she holds it up to the door it's starts glowing

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3rd Person P.O.V:

???: "What are those fools up to? They better not be here to interfere with my plans."

The 2 quickly made there way and hid behind a column as they watch the front door lock grew big enough for the group to fit through.

The 2 quickly made there way and hid behind a column as they watch the front door lock grew big enough for the group to fit through

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Bruno The Portal Master (The Owl House x Skylanders)Where stories live. Discover now