Ch. 5: Witches Duel PT. 1: The Deal

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We see Eda struggling to get her hair covered up.

Buno: *confused* "Um, Eda. What are you doing?"

Eda: "What's it look like? I'm trying to keep a low profile."

Luz: "Is it really necessary, Eda?"

Bruno: "What do you mean?"

Eda: "Oh right, I didn't tell you this, but I have a criminal record."

Bruno: "A what?!"

She rips off a wanted poster and hands it to him.

She rips off a wanted poster and hands it to him

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Bruno: *shocked* "You're a wanted criminal?!"

Eda: "Shh! Not so loud! Don't think of me as that. Think of me as a rebel witch. The thing is that I disobeyed the law and didn't join a coven.

Bruno: "Is joining a coven that bad?"

Eda: "Trust me, it is. if I'm been seen I could go to jail. Again."

Willow: "Maybe this informative event will inspire you!"

Eda uses her magic and flipped over Willow's hood.

Eda: *annoyed* "Let's just get this over with."

Bruno's P.O.V:

As we enter inside me and Luz was star strike by what we saw.

As we enter inside me and Luz was star strike by what we saw

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Bruno & Luz: *amazed* "Woah!"

Luz: *still amazed* "Was I even alive before now?!"

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