Ch. 11: Big bad pest's

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We then see another figure stepping out of the shadows. He revealed himself to be a tall humanoid troll with a dirty vests and pants.

 He revealed himself to be a tall humanoid troll with a dirty vests and pants

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???: *sarcastic* "Great introduction as always sir."

Kaos: "Why thank you Glumshanks. I've been rehearsing that for a while."

Bruno was shock while Luz & Amity was still confused on what's going on.

Luz: *confused* "Lord Kaos?"

Amity: *confused* "Ruler of the Dark lands?"

Luz: "Bruno. You know this guy?."

Bruno: *annoyed* "Unfortunately yes, that there's Kaos. He and I have a history together."

Bruno quickly explains his story about him and how he was a threat to both Skylands and the Academy. Luz & Amity found it surprising that someone that small could cause huge damage.

Bruno: "The one thing I don't understand is, how did you-?"

Kaos: "Escape my Traptanium prison? How I ended up here? Simple fool!"

Kaos explained that when the vult was destroyed, the blast from within acted as a telaporter that took him and his cell mates far away from Skylands.

Hearing that, Bruno realised that's must've how he got here. Kaos then pulls out a dark purple book with carvings on it from under his hood.

 Kaos then pulls out a dark purple book with carvings on it from under his hood

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Amity got a look at it and realised where he got the book from.

Amity: "Hey! That's from the Archives, that area is off limits!"

Kaos: "I know. And with it I'll be able to finally rule over Skylands once and for all!"

He whistled out from the shadow and out came 2 dog sized rats with spilting jaw.

He whistled out from the shadow and out came 2 dog sized rats with spilting jaw

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