Ch. 14: King's brush with death

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We see King once again trying to reach a flag only to finally reach it.

King (L): "Ha! Not so high and mighty anymore! I feel so alive! Whoa!"

He said as he fell head first in a trash can. As he struggles to get out a water balloon splashed on the ground.

Soon after tentacles started sprouting out as it attacked King.

King (L): "Oh, no. The flag, it seeks revenge!"

Laughter was soon heard as he looked up and saw a group of teenagers throwing more water balloons at the citizens.

King (L): "Teenagers."

King scuttling across and making his way to where Bosha and her posse hang out.

As he peeks inside he see Bosha who is on her Penstagram with another teens doing the same while the other one is trying to do a sit-up while being upside down.

As he peeks inside he see Bosha who is on her Penstagram with another teens doing the same while the other one is trying to do a sit-up while being upside down

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Bosha: *GROANS* "Just give it up."

???: "No I swear, I can do it. I'm just having a bad day."

Bosha: "Sure, you can."

She said as She takes a photo of him still upside.

King (L): "I'll show Luz how to rule over these doofuses."

He said as he showed himself announcing his presence.

King (L): "Greetings! Bow before King of humans."

???: "Hey! Nobody tells me what to do!"

Bosha: "Shut it."

???: "S-sorry, Bosha."

She said as she walks up to King while making a new post on her Penstagram.

Bosha: "New post: Loser human thinks she can hang out in our sacred Treasure Shack. Spoiler alert: she can't."

???: "Yeah, get out of here, Goody Two-shoes."

King (L): "Goody Two-shoes, huh?"

He then grabs his pair of flying shoes and flys outside and grabs the bag full of water balloons and throws it, causing a monstrous size havoc on the town, leaving the teens flabbergasted.

King (L): "All hail, your new teen king."

The teens began loving King and his antics as they then flew out leaving Bosha behind.

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