Ch. 4: Covention

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We see Skylander Academy after being attack by the Darkness. It's still intact except for some burnt marks, rubbles and unharmed but injured citizens and Skylanders.

As they were cleaning up the academy and sending injured citizens to the infirmary, a beam of light shined the at the centre of the courtyard, as it faded there stood Shroomboom, everyone wanted to know where he went but didn't have time to talk as he rushed to the Academy to find Master Eon and the others.

After searching for a while he finally found them as they were gathering at the library, he then kneeled down as he announced everyone his arrival.

Shroomboom: "Masters Eon! I've come with news about the disappearance of Bruno

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Shroomboom: "Masters Eon! I've come with news about the disappearance of Bruno."

Hearing this everyone gathered to him to hear what he has to say. Shroomboom explained them about the Boiling Isles as well as where Bruno is.

Everyone was relieved to hear that Bruno was safe, especially Eon.

Master Eon: "Thank you Shroomboom, you are dismissed."

Shroomboom: "Thank you Master Eon."

He said as he went off helping the other Skylanders cleaning up the academy, as he left the group to discuss about what to do now.

Flynn: "Alright! Now we know where Bruno is all we have to do is find this Boiling Island place and pick him up."

Cali: "Weren't you listening Flynn? There's no such thing called The Boiling Isles here in Skylands."

Master Eon: "She's right Flynn. From what he has informed us, that blast must've sent him to another world."

Flynn: "Oh right! Forgot about that."

Eon thought for a moment until he came up with an idea.

Master Eon: "Mags, think you can build something that would travel us to the Boiling Isles?"

Mags: "Hm. I have something that could help us get there. But I'm gonna need some time to get it to work."

Master Eon: "Very well. As for the rest of you all, I suggest you be ready for when the time comes."

He said finishing the meeting as the group headed out of the library leaving Eon to himself.

Master Eon: *to himself* "Hold on Bruno we'll find away to get to you."

(Meanwhile in The Boiling Isles)

Bruno's P.O.V:

I woke up to what sounds like a dying rooster demon, as I open eyes I noticed I was still in the owl house lying on the couch.

Bruno: *to himself* "So it wasn't a dream."

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