Ch. 15: Luz's deals with heals

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We cut to Luz who is still trying to get the hang of wearing high heels.

Luz (E): "Okay! let's try this again. And... Strut, strut, strut, stru-"

Only for her to crash into stacks of boxes

Luz (E): "How does Eda walk in these things all day?"

But she realised she knocked off and broke a lamp.

Luz (E): "Oh, no. What have my heels done? Wait a second. I'm a ding dang witch!"

She tries to use her magic only for her to be blasted off and into the air and then crashing behind the counter.

Luz (E): "Boy, Eda is powerful."

She then gets blasted off again and crashing into some stuff.

She then tries it again this time using oven mittens with cut wholes showing the index finger.

Luz (E): "Okay, let's try this one more time."

This time she managed to control her magic as she fix the lamp, only this time it was.... unnecessarily extravagant.

Luz (E): *gasp* "I made magic with my hands!"

Monster: "Ew! So unnecessary extravagant. I'll take it."

Luz (E): "Zippo swappo! Sold to the savvy shopper."

She said as she gave the customer the lamp as he flipped her a coin.

Luz (E): "Okay, magic hands, let's see what else we can magically magic!"

And with a wave of her hand, she transformed the the stand into a light up extravaganza.

And with a wave of her hand, she transformed the the stand into a light up extravaganza

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Luz (E): "Step right up and Feast your eyes on the marvels of the human realm!"

It wasn't for long til eventually people started flocking up in front of the stand.

Demon: "Your lights are too bright and I forgot what I came here for."

Luz (E): "Was it for laughter?"

Eventually he started laughing from being tickled with a feather duster.

Demon: "Joy! Such pain! I'll take 2 for my enemies."

He said with a hand full of cash. She then started selling the stuff like hot cakes as she either helped them by giving what they need.

Such as giving a faceless centaur demon a face to helping a mother with her crying child by giving him a pacifier.

Luz (E): "Thank you! Come again! There's a little something for everyone. Take it from me, Eda. The Boiling Isles' gift to magic."

Just as she said that a hooded figure walks up behind her questioning her that she's Eda the Owl Lady.

Luz (E): "That depends. Are you a fan of magic?"

???: "No, but I am a fan of... the law!"

The hooded figure revealed to be a coven guard as he quickly hand cuffed her.

Coven Guard: "We're finally able to catch you in the act. All thanks to this little light show of yours."

Luz (E): "Gentlemen, what di you say we forget this whole thing ever happened? Amnesia spell!"

But instead, she summoned a pacifier on the guards mouth. Soon after she sent to the Police Precinct no. 128.

She was then standing holding a black board with her name on it while taking a frame photo

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She was then standing holding a black board with her name on it while taking a frame photo.

She was then standing holding a black board with her name on it while taking a frame photo

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The camera demon coughs up her photo looking at it impressed.

Camera: "This is some of my best work. Really captures the shame."

A coven scout then grabs Owlbert locking him up with a restraining cuff as he menacingly chuckles.

Coven Scout: "Yeah, you're going away for a long time, you filthy criminal."

Luz (E): "Owlbert! This is all a big mistake. You're gonna laugh when I explain."

Coven Guard: "Save it! We've recently got word that 1 of your humans has gone and course trouble around town. Thankfully 2 of our men managed to captured them and should be coming in soon."

Soon after a commotion was heard as someone was coming in all arms flaying and screaming.

???: "Get your hands off of me! For once I didn't do it on purpose!"

Coven Guard: "Yeah, yeah, you know what you did. Now that we finally caught you. You can now start answering our questions. So I suggest you get comfortable."

The person he was talking to was none other than Eda who is still in Bruno's body, but now looking all dirty and messy.

Luz (E): *gasp* "Eda! What happened to you?!"

Eda (B): "Well, it's a long story kid...."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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