Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The cabin had been built pretty solidly to have held up as well as it did. A massive stone fireplace stuck out on the right-hand side of the cabin, a wrap around enclosed porch surrounded the remainder of the outside.

Sturdy stone steps led up to the porch, this felt more like a home than a hunting cabin but I trusted Jim if he said that nobody lived here anymore. Stepping as lightly as I could I glanced back to make sure Eddie had his pistol at the ready. Reaching a tentative hand towards the screen door I opened it as silently as I could before moving to open the front door to the cabin. It was locked..

"Shit.." I hissed and looked around for a key

Eddie nearly laughed out loud at the irony of the situation but he knew that the two of them had no idea if anyone was inside. It was just too perfect that the both of them were in essence living one of his admittedly more tame campaigns. Between the required stealth, the unknown building they had to explore to the locked door it was something right out of one of his narratives. Moving to help her look for a key he stubbed his toe on a brick and hopped around silently cursing luridly under his breath.


Looking back at him concern clear I reached out touching his shoulder to get his attention

"You alright?"

Nodding he pointed at the offending brick,

"Stubbed my toe on that damn thing, these sneakers just aren't meant for adventuring"

I nodded with a smile reaching out to move the brick and nearly squealing in excitement

"Good job brave adventurer, you found the hidden key!" I whispered as dramatically as I could manage reaching forward to pull him into a quick kiss before turning back to the lock.

Bracing myself for the unknown I placed the key in the lock turning the knob slowly

The door opened with a low creak that echoed through the quiet of the forest and I glared balefully at it, clearly it knew -nothing- about stealth. Releasing the doorknob I aimed my shotgun into the dark cabin grateful for my relatively good night vision.

Stumbling into Red after a few steps Eddie grunted softly, clearly night vision wasn't a strength of his.

Looking around the dark living area I was impressed, this cabin was fairly well setup. A comfortable sectional couch framed the wall near the fireplace, a mid-sized kitchen took up the wall in the opposite corner of the room.

A hallway led further back into the cabin and the two of them followed it, vision constantly on a swivel making sure to watch their periphery as I whispered my spell under my breath chanting it to myself for comfort

"I call upon the highest power, goddess surround me within this hour.."

I barely noticed the soft glow that came off of me, it was barely there like a soft glow stick or fireflies but Eddie couldn't help but notice and appreciate it, finally able to see more than a few inches in front of him he followed along more confidently.

Opening the first door on the right we found what looked to be a small bedroom, a full bed, a dresser and open closet, window with curtains. Crouching down I glanced under the bed whispering "all clear" as if we were on a military operation we turned back and went to the next door on the opposite side of the hallway. A mid sized bathroom with shower, toilet and sink were found, fortunately the shower curtain was fully open so we didn't have to go searching. Each of the other rooms were bedrooms similar to the first. 3 bedrooms in total and the 1 bathroom. All in all a pretty lucky find considering the size of the group that needed to hide out here.

Now that we were finally sure that the cabin was empty I sighed heavily leaning against the last door in the hallway, exhaustion catching up with me once more.

Turning to smile at Eddie tangling my hand with his own squeezing his ringed fingers grateful for his touch "well that wasn't too bad, was it?"

Leaning forward touching his forehead to mine he smiled as he replied "it wasn't too bad, especially once I had your glow to follow Rudolph"

Confusion filled me and I raised a brow at him

"The hell are you talking about you goofball? Did you get a head injury somewhere that I missed?"

Shaking his head he kissed me with a smile

"Nope no head injuries, it was were glowing again, I think I heard you whispering was it that spell again?"

I sighed facepalming, I hadn't even noticed that I'd started saying it.

"Shit.. yea..I got so nervous going through this dark ass place.. it felt like one of the 12billion horror movies my mom had me watch growing up.."

Raising a brow at the fact that I'd seen that many horror movies Eddie smiled gathering me into his arms and kissed the top of my head

"I think it's cute, you walked through here like you were leading a secret operation all stealthy and didn't notice that you were blatantly casting magic."

Shaking my head I burrowed into his chest and hugged him back tightly smiling even wider when I noticed that he didn't flinch at the hug. Pulling away after a few moments of just soaking in the warmth and safety he gave,

"Let's see if the power and water works in this place, huh?"

Extending his arm for mine, I linked mine with his the two of us walked over and turned on the light in the living room and sighed when nothing happened.. shaking my head refusing to be deterred I walked to the kitchen and turned on the sink cheering when the water sputtered and began flowing smoothly.

"Well one out of two ain't bad.. I wonder if this place has a generator outside"

Impressed at the idea Eddie nodded and followed as I led him back outside, the others heading towards us, rolling the damaged tire along as they did.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now