Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Hugging me closer to him he leaned back and looked up at the sky, realizing that it was getting dark. He reached down and cupped her chin tilting her head to look up at him. "hey..we should head back..they might be looking for us..and shit.. it's getting dark."

The resulting pout on my lips said everything, I loved this little space..his arms around me, the warm was an oasis in the ocean of danger and uncertainty.

Tilting my head further back I nuzzled into his neck smiling as his arms pulled me closer as a result. "You're right..just wish we could stay in our little cocoon. But I also feel bad that we didn't help a lot with the defenses.."

Eddie shook his head firmly at that, "you did help. The spell you did? That's clearly helping..and don't forget your work to save my Uncle.. that's still help do plenty. You deserve to relax and be happy, you deserve both do."

Sighing I nodded hugging his arms tight giggling as he held me just as tightly before moving to stand up and disentangled myself, unplugging the drain with my foot. Turning towards him I offered my hand "come on my valiant knight, lets go face the big bad world together."

Smiling widely he took my hand and stood up hugging me close once more as he reached over to one of the towels in the chest and pulled them around the both of us. Fortunately the towels were thick and plush and we both dried quickly, we were both pretty chilled after leaving the steaming water.

Eddie's long arms just barely managed to grab my clothes and I giggled as he helped me get dressed again, it was such an intimate gesture and I loved it, his hands lingering as he smoothed my shirt down my chest and I returned the favor, savoring his smooth skin over firm muscle, palming his tapered waist and narrow hips before they were once more covered in clothes. Looking up into his dark eyes I smirked seeing the pleasure reflected there.

"Mmm this is so nice, it'll be different back in the cabin with all those ears to overhear..but we'd damn well better get to do this again.."

Kissing my lips soft and slowly his promise clear Eddie nodded firmly, " know this wasn't a onetime thing, I love you and that beautiful body..I'm nowhere near done getting to know all of you..we're together right? Not quite sure what to call it but.."

I giggled and nodded holding his face in my hands, "you would call it being our husband, if you wanna be technical about've kinda got rings there already but still.."

His eyes widened as he processed those words..

Eddie was silent so long that I'd released his cheeks and started worrying the rings on my my mind raced worrying that I'd overwhelmed him or worse pushed him too far. I was startled out of my spiraling with the feeling of soft curls tickling my cheeks, opening my eyes I glanced up and saw Eddie had grabbed a bit of my hair and was tickling me with it.

" overthinking again?"

Sighing as I smiled softly and shook my head at him "you're perception stats must be off the charts, cause damn you are too good at that.."

His answering laugh was so warm as he hugged me tight kissing me softly before finally answering my unspoken questions "See how am I supposed to resist you when you do shit like that? Looking like you do, making D&D references..shit if you weren't married I'd marry you..oh wait you already took care of yea..I'll be your's and Jin's husband.." he stammered slightly on the phrasing wanting to say it just right.

My responding kisses almost knocked him on his ass, tanging my fingers in his hair, nipping his lips my tongue tangling with his moaning as his hands pulled me closer his fingers digging into my ass. Finally pulling away in need of air we rested our foreheads against one another grinning like idiots knowing damn well if we kept it up we'd never leave this room.

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