Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Eddie felt Red tense up next to him as he finished eating, he'd seen her talking to Murray and had been trying to puzzle out what it was all about. He knew she was worried about something and he figured it had something to do with her secret conversation.

Reaching over he took my hand in his, running his thumb across my pulse point feeling it race he turned to look at me. "Shit..Red you alright?" He tried to ask calmly glancing around at the others he realized he had failed; All eyes were on the two of us.

Releasing the kitten to bound off and beg from someone else I sighed putting my head in myhands "well that lasted all of 10 minutes.."

Nancy got up from her seat and walked over with Jonathan and Steve not far behind, they sat on the couch on the other side of Jim and Joyce. The others sat near enough on the floor so they kept eating and stared at both Eddie and I clearly unwilling to leave things alone. Nancy spoke up first, "I noticed Murray leaving after talking to everything ok? Did he say something to you? He does have a habit of saying...things.."

Eddie ran his hand up and down Red's arms waiting for her to speak..he had a feeling it wasn't something that he said, she didn't look angry..she was nervous..

Looking up from my hands I sighed, expectant faces were all around me..I knew this wasn't going to get better and I was a terrible liar.

"Well..I wasn't going to say anything but it seems that ship has fucking sailed.."

Looking up at Eddie I cupped his cheek and smiled softly, "I'm sorry for trying to keep it from you love, I wanted to wait until I knew we were successful before you found out.."

Eddie's brows rose in confusion he didn't know what I was talking about.

Sighing I continued, " I know that downtown Hawkins isn't getting safer if anything as Vecna regains his strength it's going to get worse down there for those who don't know and can defend themselves. So I asked Murray to go there and get your Uncle Wayne..I don't want him to get hurt.."

Eddie's eyes widened, tears gathered as he stared at me his expression unreadable which was pretty damn rare.

He couldn't believe it, that I was willing to risk so much for him, for his family, and I hadn't planned on telling him about it unless I'd succeeded.. he didn't like that I hid it and was risking all of this just for him.

Taking his silence as anger I cringed staring back down on my lap as I continued to explain hoping that I hadn't caused even more harm than I was afraid of. "I did a spell on him, kind of like what I did on my jewelry..on his should keep him and whoever is close enough to him safe and should.."

Tears gathered in my eyes and my voice cracked as I remembered what his Uncle was going through right now. "I just...I couldn't leave him there to grieve over you Eddie..he's even having to protect your missing posters because people are defacing them..I'm sorry for not telling you..I'm so sorry.."

Dustin and the others who had met Eddie's Uncle before were teary eyed as well thinking of him suffering and mourning a loss that hadn't. They were also worrying over their own families..but they knew that none of them lived near the crevasses so they were safer than the rest of the town.

Feeling like absolute shit I detached myself from Eddie's embrace, got up and walked out of the cabin, I needed a breath of tension free air and there wasn't any of that inside.

Walking around on the porch I looked off in the distance and saw the ash falling, it was nowhere near as bad as what the center of town had to be.

Smiling as I saw a comfortable porch swing, it had big soft cushions on it that I melted into it with a sigh. Swinging back and forth I allowed the fresh air and quiet to soak in and remove the tension from my nerves.

It felt like hours before the front door to the cabin opened and shut, I rocked back and forth trying to regulate and calm myself as the tension rose once more. I didn't know if I was relieved or disappointed when Robin came around the corner.

Robin waived her hand nervously in greeting as she walked over and sat beside me. " alright? That was a lot back there.."

Sighing I shook my head..I didn't know if I was angry or depressed at this point, or both. "So on a scale of 1 to I'll never get to see Eddie naked again just how bad is it in there?"

Robins jaw hit the floor as she clapped her hands over her mouth giggling like a madwoman, she didn't know how to process let alone respond to my question. Shaking her head as she still laughed unable to stop she rocked on her heels a bit trying to take a breath before answering.

" did you you have..oh my god?! I mean wow? Is he? Wait..that's not something I should ask...but is he? you and..him have..shit..umm.."

Giggling at the utter meltdown that Robin was having I shook my head, tears gathered in my eyes as I continued to laugh. Catching my breath I managed an answer "so yes I've seen him naked and it is delightful, even though I know it's not your cup of tea, and no we haven't..umm yet."

Robin snorted laughing some more before she managed to remember what she came out here for. "Oh yea er well I am as you probably know a terrible judge of reading people with any kind of accuracy but I don't think it's as bad as you think.."

Sighing I nodded, "So I gotta go back in and face them...him.."

Robins head bobbled with a nod as she got up and offered me her hand. "Moral support?"

Taking her hand with a smile I got up and we walked back to the cabin door together. Opening the door I stopped in my tracks as I heard a tear filled voice saying "yea, it's can trust him.."

The both of us hurried the rest of the way inside shutting the cabin door, my eyes widened as I saw Eddie holding the walkie talkie tears pouring down his cheeks.

Walking over I reached out for him and hesitated, "Did Murray find him?..was he able to get there safe?" My voice a whisper of it's usual strength as my heart raced as I waited for a reply

Eddie met Red's gaze with his own, saw her reaching out for him fear of rejection clearly written on her own tear stained face. Setting the walkie down he came over to her and pulled her into his arms and held her so tightly she squeaked.

The others moved to the other parts of the living room and the bedrooms trying to give the two some privacy, Dustin grabbed the discarded walkie and took it with him, knowing he couldn't do much for the current situation but he could do this.

I trembled as he held me, I wasn't sure if it was the relief at being back in his arms when I was starting to wonder if I'd managed to fuck it up so that he would never touch me again; or if it was just terror at the chance that even though it appeared that his Uncle was rescued that he might not make it back, that Murray may not make it back and it would be entirely myfault.

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