Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

"You really are am I supposed to focus with you looking at me like tease.." Aside from some bruising his shoulders were uninjured and I sighed in relief as I worked my way down his arms savoring the muscle there and gentling my touch as he winced, hissing slightly when I'd reached his left bicep where his wyvern tattoo sat. "Alright love, we gotta take a look at this..are you able to move your arm up and to the sides for me? Wanna make sure you didn't break anything."

He nodded wincing as he did so, a matching wince crossing my face "alright love now reach forward, I'm sure you can find some motivation" I smirked as his hands reached out to my chest palming and holding my breasts, his hold was soft and gentle as his thumbs just barely grazed my nipples, his rings cool against my skin, it was definitely the best bra ever.

I will never understand how he can manage something like that, to be both teasing and comforting. Arching into his touch I inhaled trying to keep my brain function going "fuck...see I knew that was going to happen and still. The good news is that means nothings broken..and..brain...thoughts.."

Narrowing my eyes at the way he bit his lip just smirking at how flustered I'd gotten he slowly released my breasts stroking them as he did, I shivered at the loss of warmth biting my lip to stop myself from begging for his hands to come back. ""

Shaking my head several times to try to find my last bits of sanity, I reached out to his chest trying to focus on the task at hand as I gently patted the soft skin working my way down his pecs, there was the slight purple hue of bruises but he didn't wince like before. "alright love, take a deep breath for me..need to make sure there aren't any broken ribs."

He did as he was told, those dark eyes still watching me intently making it nearly impossible to focus. Moving my hands lower down his chest I stroked along his other tattoos tracing each one with my nails, enjoying how his breathing increased. As I worked my way down his waist I giggled as he squirmed when I got to a ticklish spot but clearly no broken ribs.

Moving my hands further down I gently palmed and stroked his thin waist and held him there. Glancing back up I saw his pupils were large and gleaming in the candlelight his mouth parted slightly, "so...?" I flushed biting my lip, I knew he was teasing me "so you are very healthy, a bit bruised but nothing broken...I'm impressed, that you sat still for that long.."

His voice was such a low purr sending chills down my spine "thank you for your thoroughattention Dr. far as why you haven't been thoroughly ravished..." he reached out his hands sliding down my sides pulling me closer until I was snuggled in my usual spot, my legs draped across his and his length warm against my hip as I cuddled into his chest.

Wrapping Red in the warmth of his arms his breath soft against her ear as he continued "as tempting as you are, because we are both sore and-" he grabbed a curl of his own hair that still had crusted blood on it "still filthy..I know you're exhausted and I'm not much I say we finish getting cleaned up and go inside the cabin for some food and to hear what's been going on...let's save it for when we can both enjoy ourselves properly."

I nodded albeit begrudgingly a pout on my lips, I knew he was right even as much as I'd been turned on, it wasn't the same driving need it was more just enjoying the intimacy of it all.

Grabbing the cup from earlier I handed it to him "will you help me finish washing my hair? I know you've done most of it already, I wanted to help..but between the crossbow and the machete my arms are sore as hell."

Eddie shook his head hearing the guilt in Red's voice he leaned forward to kiss her softly, "of course did an incredible job keeping up the defense today, when we get back inside we'll see if there are any joints left I'm sure we could both use some." Seeing the hint of disbelief and guilt still in her eyes he continued, "I love taking care of's my pleasure" he then gently detangled his arms from hers so he could stroke her arms and shoulders gently, checking her over as she'd done for him, he was glad there weren't any cuts or bruises.

At the idea of a joint I nodded enthusiastically "that sounds like a wonderful idea, some food and some weed would be incredible..that and a bed.." a yawn escaped my lips as I said it.

He took the cup from me and filled it with water that he gently poured down the back of my head before taking more shampoo and massaging it into the rest of my curls. It wasn't long before he was applying conditioner and rinsing it, I could feel how my hair finally felt loose and less weighed down, making me feel like myself again as I shook it slightly in the tub before resting against Eddie's chest with a happy sigh watching him wash, rinse and condition his own hair.

Fortunately between my barrier reflecting most of the demobats and his hair being shorter than mine it wasn't long before his curls were their usual beautiful brown. Reaching out I stroked one of the stray curls that fell near my cheek "muchbetter, glad to see those curls back to normal. You are so gorgeous my love. Next time I want to pamper you too, I lovewashing your hair."

Smiling softly Eddie nodded as he kissed the crown of my head, grateful not to have to be so cautious where he kissed or touched now that the blood and guts were gone. Both of our stomachs growled breaking the silence and he chuckled hugging me close "well now that we're no longer covered in that mess let's get dressed and head inside, we both need to eat."

I nodded yawning as I nuzzled into his chest before trying and failing to pull myself up. My arms screamed in pain at the idea and I glared at them, I really had overdone it today between the sparring and everything else.

Eddie interrupted my pouting and glaring with a gentle hug pulling me as tightly into his embrace without hurting either of us. "Hey, take it easy..let me take care of you. Remember, we take care of each other.."

Sighing I agreed "that's rude..using my own words against me.." he chuckled as his legs flexed beneath us moving to help him up, gathering me into his arms as he did. I never failed to be impressed by his strength or stamina, as sore as he was picking me up in his arms so effortlessly. Sliding his foot over to the drain cover he opened the drain allowing the final batch of disgusting water to flow down through it.

Setting me down to sit on the bench nearest the tub he grabbed the both of us a towel. I melted into the warmth of the soft towel burrowing into it before taking a chance to watch Eddie drying himself off. Catching me staring his brows rose and I grinned "hey, never gonna not take the time to stare at my are just too gorgeous."

His cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling in the dim light as he sat next to me on the bench pulling me into his arms once more. It wasn't long before the two of us were shivering in the cooler air, so Eddie stood to grab the clothes Dustin had brought and divided them between the both of us.

It was an arduous process getting dressed, my shoulders had screamed when I'd tried to put on a bra and I was grateful for Eddie's help closing the clasps, I would've gone without one but the shirt I had available wasn't going to be thick enough for any modesty.

Finally dressed, my watch back in its home on my wrist, I tried to stand once more wavering slightly but I managed it even as Eddie watched over me like a hawk. After blowing out the candles, the room snuffed into complete darkness the two of us made our way slowly back to the cabin.

The night air was filled with the sounds of demobats and demodogs echoing in the distance. Fortunately it seemed that they'd lost their interest in the barrier since the last attack, and the energy held strong. The porch steps were the worst and my knees had many thoughts and complaints getting up them, but I did it. The living room was still buzzing with activity even as late in the evening as it was, I glanced at my watch still surprised that the battery hadn't died I realized it was almost midnight.

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