Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Eddie chuckled and nodded stroking my back and hugging me tight, "yea we don't need to flood the place.."

I nodded as I yawned widely my eyes wandering around the room and realizing I couldn't see very well I detangled an arm so I could grab my glasses and take them off "holy's a wonder I could see at all..look at these babe.." I held my filthy glasses up for him to see, they were utterly splattered with gore almost as badly as our clothes had been.

"Yea...those are kinda disgusting.." he laughed as he took them from me and gently dipped them into the water a few times before reaching out for a towel that must have been left on the shelf the last time we were in there and dried them off.

They looked worlds better if not slightly smudged as he handed them back to me. Slipping them on my face I blinked in surprise at the difference "I can SEEE, the candles look less like random fairy lights now shit..thank you for cleaning em baby.."

He nodded hugging Red closer glad that he could help even with something as simple as cleaning her glasses for me. Looking down he saw that her hair had a fair bit of gore encrusted in it as well and he knew his own probably wasn't much better. Looking around the room he saw what looked like a good sized cup, grabbing it he peered inside and gratefully nothing was living inside and it looked clean. Reaching forward he undid her bun and braid allowing her hair down and to flow down her back into the water. "There we got some of that gunk in your hair sweetheart..I'm sure mines not much better.."

I cringed reaching back as I felt my hair crunch in my hands "ewwww that's fucking disgusting.." he nodded and grabbed some of the shampoo before scooping up some water and gently dumping it down the back of my hair, I sighed and leaned back eager for more "fuck...that feels so damn nice"

Hearing Red sound so relaxed was a balm on Eddie's frayed nerves, he would do whatever it took for as long as he lived to help her be this happy and relaxed as much as he could, once he got the two of us through this Vecna/mindflayer bullshit.

Each cup of that wonderfully warm water down my scalp and over my shoulders felt like heaven, I struggled to just stay awake as he gently washed and detangled my hair that was filled with curls and waves from the braid. Allowing my mind to wander I briefly remembered Dustin coming out to help the both of us, looking around the room once more I saw the candles and put 2 and 2 together. Shaking my head softly I sighed, that meant he saw me during my breakdown..which means not only was he probably worried but he'd want to know what happened.

Eddie noticed the way Red had gone from blissed out to somber, sighing and shaking her head. Taking the shampoo in hand he poured some across her hair and started massaging it in as he spoke softly so he didn't startle her "hey..Red sweetheart...what's going on in that head of yours?"

Smirking wryly I tilted my head back to look into his eyes "love it when you do that.." delighting in the smirk that crossed his lips I sighed as I arched into his hands as he continued washing my hair. "I was thinking about earlier...Dustin saw me, when I was panicking...didn't he?"

Eddie frowned he hadn't really had a chance to think about how to handle what Dustin had seen. Sure the kids knew trauma but not abuse, not really. As it is all the kids had what seemed like normal childhoods aside from Eleven or Max.. he'd heard some things since Max had moved in and he wasn't an idiot. "Yea..he saw a bit.." he answered as he poured more water over Red's hair rinsing out the shampoo.

Nodding I sighed " that means I'll have to have a talk with him...poor kid, he and the others have had a rough enough day with as bad as it got and us coming back looking like the Upside Down exploded on us.."

Eddie squeezed her shoulder gently " don't have to do anything you don't feel up to. I can take care of it, he doesn't need to know details not if you don't want."

Smiling softly I nodded as I arched into his touch "two things...first, thank you for offering to do that my love..I'm sure you would but I think you'll agree that with how much those kids rely on us..especially Dustin..he should know, he's probably worried as hell and I'm not ashamed of it. Hell the only reason I don't bring it up yet aside from how crazy everything's been, is a little fucked up...for most of my life I've kinda convinced myself that every kid goes through that shit so there isn't any point in making a big deal out of it.."

Pulling my knees towards myself, wincing as I did with how sore all of my joints are I hugged them close and sighed resting my head on my kneecap. "I know I didn't convince myself of that for no reason but it's annoying as fuck to realize it.. oh and the second thing...I'd almost forgot even thought its kinda silly..when you were holding my shoulder just now you loosened a knot or something and it felt amazing..would some point be willing to do more of that, like a massage? When you've had a chance to rest of course..I wasn't kidding earlier when I said we gotta look you over and make sure you didn't hurt anything fighting that big asshole" moving to turn in the tub "matter of fact-"

Eddie cut me off with a soft touch of his fingertip against my lips. I blinked at him brows raised, if anyone else tried that aside from maybe Jin..

Seeing that fiery spark in her eye for the briefest of seconds he grinned, with everything he'd seen so far he knew that shutting Red up when she had something on her mind wasn't something that she handled well normally. He could just picture any other fool trying it and seeing her either rip them apart or shut down entirely, and if he ever saw the latter he'drip them to shreds.

Waiting for her breathing to calm back down after he'd interrupted her rant he finally spoke "alright, so to that first part if you want to tell Dustin I'm there for you, not sure how he'll handle it but either way I'm there, I know processing that shits never easy..and as far as telling yourself that its not a big deal that's a tough one..." He sighed...shaking his head trying to shove his temper back down as he pictured all that she'd been through.

"I'm not a therapist and wont pretend to know shit about how you should handle garbage like that happening to you. I can tell you it's not ok, but you know what I think, even if you can't always remember it. What happened to you...there's no way for me to say how much it fucking pisses me off, that you had to suffer that...and that it's still fucking hurting you. But I'm here for you, and when we get back, Jin's there for you the two of us we'll help you deal with that shit whenever and however we can."

His arms gathered around Red's shoulders and held her hands where they rested on her knees. "Oh and as far as a massage? I've never tried.. but hell yea.." nuzzling in close to her ear enjoying the resulting shiver he continued " know I can't keep my hands off my beautiful Wife.." reaching over to the drain with his foot he opened it again allowing the slightly less disgusting water to drain before filling it again. "Third rinse should do it..starting to see your hair color again.."

Tilting my head back I nodded gratefully seeing the crust in his curls I was reminded that his hair was still needing to be washed as well.

Thinking back to her rant he remembered the last bit, her worrying over him and any injuries he might have. Nudging her slightly he helped her to move so she was sitting cross legged in the cradle of his lap facing him, reaching past her he turned the water off now that it had filled "alright, I know you can't relax until you check me go ahead...Dr. Red.."

I flushed at that wicked smile shaking my head at him "You and your speeches...between those and my rambles..we really are a perfect match.."

Reaching out I started my efforts at his forehead checking the thin cut just barely hidden by his bangs. Fortunately it already had stopped bleeding and didn't appear to have gotten hit by the gore so it should be fine. "Should put some antibiotic on this cut, I know it's small but not taking any chances, no idea where those demogorgons claws have been."

Giggling at my own joke I enjoyed the way his lip quirked as he nodded obediently clearly enjoying the way I'd doted and bossed him around. Looking the rest of his face over I was glad to see no other wounds on it or his neck, moving further down to his shoulders fingertips gently stroking, "..please tell me if it hurts..ok?" My cheeks flamed as his dark eyes tracked my every move as he nodded, that smirk still on those irresistible lips of his.

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