Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

Knocking on their door he heard a muffled "come in.." from what sounded like Eddie and opened the door, carrying his gift in his arms before shutting the door behind him and setting it down.

Hearing the knock and Eddie's soft voice letting whoever it was inside I pulled myself out of the somewhat numb if not relaxed stupor I'd slipped into in my nest of blankets on Eddie's chest and looked towards the door. I was relieved that it was Dustin at least, I really didn't have it in me to explain to anyone else what had happened. I sighed blissfully nearly purring as Eddie resumed stroking my hair running his fingertips along my scalp. Blinking drowsily I managed to focus my eyes as best I could in the dim light, glancing over to the door I spotted something that Dustin had carried in. " that a guitar case? in the fuck?"

Glancing up when the door opened his brow arched seeing that not only was Dustin back but that he'd brought something with him. Sure enough Red had called it, it did appear to be a guitar case. Now where the hell Dustin had gotten one from was a very valid question because he doubted that anyone was going out for a drive to a store to buy one. Shit he didn't think there was a place in town that even sold em, he'd had to get his from Chicago as did the other members of Corroded Coffin that didn't already have them for one reason or another.

Dustin was happy to see Red looking a bit better, or at least sounding more fiery than before, nodding to her question "yep, found it in the crawlspace..figured your two could use it.."

Nodding softly a smile crossed my lips, my heart racing just thinking of hearing music for the first time in too damn long, I'd missed it so much. "Thank you so much..fuck I owe you such a big hug, once I'm wearing more than blankets" I sputtered laughing as happy tears fell from my eyes.

Nodding Dustin's smile spread from ear to ear seeing Red cheered up like this he picked up the case once more and walked over to set it on the edge of the bed beside them before patting the mattress softly. "Gonna leave you two alone here, I know you're exhausted.. try to get some more sleep if you can..its still early out..please?"

His 'please' was more telling than anything else. It said all that he didn't say, he was terrified of losing even more..of losing either of us..I had a horrible feeling that he knew about his mother..about the others families and what had most likely happened to them. This meant my role as 'dungeon Mama' was that much more important..not that I minded one bit. I loved these damn kids so much, had ever since I'd first seen them in season 1.

Reaching out my hand carefully so I didn't expose myself I squeezed his hand "thank you Dustin..for everything. Go get some rest yourself, if you can. The barrier should hold for the rest of the night at least.."

I'd kept the bit about needing to redo the spell to myself knowing that I would probably have to, and that mentioning it would stress everyone out.

Hopefully the group would be willing to participate if I asked them to; and I hoped that there was some more crystals and salt because I wasn't going to let Vecna put them all at risk again.

Dustin nodded and squeezed my hand gently in return before saying 'goodnight' to us both and hurrying out and shutting the door behind him. I heard the others hushed voices showing that the explosions had woken everyone, hopefully they could help one another to fall back asleep now that the danger had passed.

Reaching further out on the bed I grabbed the edge of the guitar case and pulled it towards the both of us. I fumbled with the snaps more than a few times before managing to open them and lift the lid. The guitar inside was beautiful rosewood, the phosphorous bronze strings stretched across its body, a clear case of guitar picks was tucked into a notch next to the neck of the guitar.

Eddie watched Red open the guitar case, his eyes widening as he saw the beautiful guitar within.

*The memory*

He remembered the first time he saw and played with an acoustic guitar years and years ago, he'd spotted it in music class one night when he was stuck late after school.

His father who wasn't in prison yet had forgotten to pick him up in favor of a drug deal or some other illegal shit, he couldn't remember which; and he was walking around the nearly empty school and saw the guitar case.

Opening it he found a guitar not that different from this one if not a bit more worn from years of kids learning on it.

He'd plucked at the strings and been thoroughly curious about the combinations of sounds he could make.

The moment didn't last when he'd heard the sounds of footsteps and ran off to wait where he was told, afraid it was either his classmates coming to teach him another lesson because of who his father was or his father himself, both horrible options.

*end of memory*

Red's gentle touch on his chest startled him out of the train of thought those memories had brought him to. Her eyes were brighter than he'd seen since he'd rescued that from the living nightmare they were stuck in. "Hey baby..everything ok? This guitar bring up some memories or something? You had that look.." my hand reached further up to cup his cheek my thumb stroked along his jaw gently.

Smiling softly he turned and kissed her palm enjoying the loving smile he got in return. "Yea..I'm alright, you're not wrong...there was a's been a long ass time since I've seen a guitar quite like this, it's a lot like the one I first played with when I was a kid. You know things weren't great back then so yea... But hey that doesn't mean-"

I shook my head aggressively as I cut him off "hey, nope. No cutting off your feelings for me or anyone else. It's ok if the guitar dug up some trauma and you need some time before you're ok, that's allowed. If my trauma is ok to deal with then so is yours Eddie. Your pain is valid and so are you, I love you."

I pushed myself up on my other wrist trying to bring myself closer to him, fortunately he reached down to pull me the rest of the way up so I was laying on top of him chest to chest.

Nuzzling my nose against his delighting in the way his eyes lit up I captured his lips with my own, slowly gently and warmly enjoying the way his hands tangled in my hair, my own doing the same, my nails scratching softly against his scalp as his stroked their way down my jaw before moving to my waist to hug me close.

Separating when breathing became a necessity I snuggled into the crook of his neck and sighed happily basking in his scent and warmth. As much as we'd cuddled today it would never be enough, especially not after the traumatic attack earlier.

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