Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Through some small miracle the two of us remained undisturbed til early afternoon, at least based off of the light that shone through the curtains in the room. The sounds of idle chatter in the distance and the clanking of silverware on plates had me blinking drowsily even as I burrowed deeper and closer into Eddie's warmth my hands clenching onto the blanket trying to pull it closer.

I giggled as his arms tightened around me, his fingertips ghosting along my curves sending tingles down my spine. "Mm gmorning baby...that feels good" his warm laugh, vibrated against my skin where we touched and I smirked placing kisses along his chest as I stretched cautiously, my purring squeak echoing through the silence as I finished the stretch trying not to aggravate my still sore muscles before relaxing and going boneless nuzzling in closer delighting in the kisses along my hair and forehead Eddie gave in reply.

There was something to be said for the special lazy time before you were fully awake, the blissful haze between wakefulness and sleep; the two of us had been unable to fully appreciate enough moments like these with how busy it had been since the two of us had gotten together.

Still enjoying the peace and quiet this sleepy space had given, Eddie's hands wandered further up to run his fingers through Red's hair, gently detangling as he went.

Missing the warmth his arms had given, I pulled the blankets closer as an idea came to mind. Lifting my head I propped myself up on my hands a smirk crossing my lips as I took in the beautiful sight of Eddie utterly relaxed. His head cradled comfortably on the pillow, soft curls scattered about, features softened in the same sleepy warmth, his brown eyes barely open. Leaning forward I placed soft kisses on his chest gazing at him from beneath my lashes savoring the view before speaking. "Eddie my love..I've got an idea, how would you like to have some really nice hot lazy sex before we have to go face the world?"

Those brown eyes flashed opened quick, the sleepy haze lifted, his eyes nearly glowing in the sunlight as a smile crossed his lips "mmm that sounds like a wonderful idea..does my beautiful wife have a position in mind?" Nodding into the cradle of my hands I answered "yep..not sure what it's called but it would involve sitting in your lap so we can cuddle and be as close as we can while I get to ride you.." my eyes lit up, cheeks flushed as I pictured it.

Smirking at Red's flushed cheeks he reached out to take her face in his hands and ran his thumbs along her jaw. He loved the dynamic between shy and seductress, the fact that she could suggest such creative and passionate sex acts, could relish being bound and gagged, have all of the kinks that she does and still blush while talking about sex.

Hearing the increasing sounds of the others waking and moving he knew that the two of us didn't have much more peace left before we'd be interrupted. Moving to sit up he took me along with him enjoying how my hands wandered and held him roaming over his shoulders and arms desperate for physical contact as I sat in the cradle of his lap.

Reaching over he rummaged through the box of condoms on the nightstand and spotted one geared towards increased sensations and held it out to me, his brow quirked. "Wanna try this one? Looks interesting..Didn't know that they'd gotten a variety pack."

I nodded cheeks flaming, there was something about condoms that made sex always seem more stressful and added a layer of complication to an otherwise beautiful act. I couldn't wait until I could get on some birth control and be rid of them.

Shoving those worries and thoughts far away I focused instead on Eddie, who'd set the condom aside in favor of running his hands up and down my sides clearly picking up on my need for distraction, his dark eyes watched mine his fingertips grazing the sides of my breasts as he palmed them savoring the way they overflowed in his hands, thumbs grazing the nipples as he kneaded the soft flesh. I panted and arched backwards into his hold eyes sliding shut allowing myself to bask in the warm waves of pleasure he sent across my skin.

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