Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

The thud of what must have been Murray climbing down off of the roof startled the members of the group "sonofabitch..?" I blinked blearily looking around from where I'd cuddled up to Eddie before sighing in relief at the sight of an equally disgusting viscera covered form of their friend.

Removing his helmet he peered in the window and waved at the group. "So that was..terrible. Great improv with the machete though, Red. You guys alright?" Yawning the both of us nodded unwilling to move.

Dmitri blinked in surprise from his spot in the backseat before calling out at Murray "you?! I should have known you'd be the one behind the flamethrower..crazy Americans.."

Murray opened the back door offering his hand to help Dmitri and Erica out of the car, his eyes widening as he saw Erica's bloodstained pant leg. "Hey uh, we might need some help over here.."

Uncle Wayne had come down from the roof as soon as he'd seen the car pull up. His heart skipped a beat as he heard Murray's call. Glancing past the car he saw that the demobat and demodog swarms appeared to be diminishing, heading over to the car he peered through the front and saw what he'd declared as 'his kids' sitting up and looking alright if not a bit covered in bits of blood and gore and he finally released the breath he'd been holding.

Looking back he saw that the others were almost done clearing up the rest of the hoards and were also heading over to the car. Remembering Murrays request he headed over to the backseat and saw one of the people they'd rescued who had a nasty wound on her leg.

Medical training kicking in he knelt beside her and looked it over holding his hands out slowly so as not to further traumatize the clearly traumatized teen "easy.. that's a nasty cut you've got there..looks like you've got it tied off pretty good.." glancing into the front seat he called out "I'm guessing you had a hand in this Red?"

I nodded doing my best to sit up and look into the backseat. "Yea, had her tie it off and elevate it until we can get it cleaned and sewn, hopefully it's not bleeding too badly.." nudging Eddie who continued for me "we drove as fast as we can..pretty sure the engine on this car needs help after all the abuse it took"

Wayne smirked glad to hear the both of them sounding as fiery as ever even as exhausted as they looked. Looking back at the wound on Erica's leg he reached out to offer help and she flinched "'s alright, sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Wayne Munson, Eddie's uncle-"

I chimed in with a smirk "you're his father Uncle Wayne, just say it like it is." He flushed and nodded " she said..I'm his old man..and I'd like to help you to get inside if that's alright." Lucas and the others had finally made their way over and he stared at his sister, eyes wide and tears shining in them.

Erica nodded numbly and allowed Wayne to scoop her up in his arms and carry her towards the house. Her gaze followed Lucas for a while before the painful memories of the last few days forced her to look away.

Glancing up from my spot in the front seat and seeing everyone heading over I sighed "looks like we need to get up..let's get this nasty mess cleaned off...though we might have to use a garden hose cause no way am I setting foot into the hot tub or the cabin with this"

Eddie nodded cringing as he moved to sit up his body complained heavily. Reaching out to open the door he stood up and stretched wincing as he did before offering his hand to Red. "C'mon sweetheart, can you get up?"

My brows arched "..that's a very good question.." stretching my arms in front of me, wincing as I pushed myself up and started the painful slide along the seat towards his offered hand. "Well..that's a start.." taking his hand in mine I allowed him to pull me up and nearly crumpled against him my legs refusing to do much of anything.

" that answers that question..I might have overdone it a bit today..."

Eddie chuckled and scooped Red up in his arms holding her close and savoring the feeling even in spite of the mess she was covered in.

Remembering his earlier battle my brows rose in concern " are you sure?" He nodded giving me a pointed look showing that I wasn't the only one that had been terrified for the other today, I knew how close we had both had come to being seriously injured. Nodding in understanding I looked around realizing that he'd walked a bit while I was lost in thought and where he'd brought the two of us, the side of the cabin where I spotted a garden hose hookup.

Leaning gently into Eddie's chest I sighed "you really are a badass my handsome husband..managing to carry me after being tossed around by that demogorgon.. and I love every minute of this.." reaching up I stroked his shoulder making sure I had his attention before continuing "but once we get cleaned up we're going to take a good look at you and make sure you didn't break anything ok? No arguments.."

His brows rose in concern knowing just what I'd do if he did have any injuries. Seeing the nervous look in his eyes as he sat down with her in his arms on the porch within reach of the hose I took his ring covered hand in mine squeezing it. "hey, if you need healing it doesn't -have- to drain me like before, remember what I said about being able to manipulate other peoples energy, I can help you to heal yourself -if- it's needed. I'm stronger than I look Eddie my love...but I can't just not help you when you're know that."

He frowned as he turned and reaching back to turn on the spigot. Looking back at me his brown eyes met my green, "You're really hard to argue know that?" I cackled at that before nodding "yep, helps when I'm right."

Taking the sprayer in hand I tentatively squeezed the trigger and touched the icy water coming out, "FUCK THAT IS COLD..this is going to suck" setting the sprayer aside for a second I reached under my sleeve and gently took off my Apple Watch and reaching out with a wince as my muscles screamed I set it on one of the porch seats out of risk of being hit with the water.

" goes's your turn after this." Eddie nodded and hugged me before leaning back as my support. Taking the sprayer back in hand I squeezed the trigger and aimed it at my chest where the sludge was thickest and I sputtered a choked gasp my heart raced and lungs clenched old memories flashing back to mind making me fling the sprayer to the ground as I reflexively curled in on myself.

"Fuck..." I did NOT need this..nope..those memories needed to stay DEAD.

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