breaking a string

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thursday is here, and I'm pretty confident about the test. but someone here doesn't seem oh so ready for it, guess who it is and I'll  reward you with something.

i look at him boringly as he crumbles to himself with both his hands on his head and the books lying in front of him. i can't say it's no use to cram now, since the test is after school but it is obvious that he won't be able to study anything if he keeps whining.

if it had been any other day, i would just ignore nobita-kun's mental breakdown since he hates whenever i help him but, after that day, i think he's okay with us interacting.

well, maybe not just that day. when i thought about it last night, it's actually been so long since nobita-kun talked rudely to me or tried to avoid me.

but you can't blame me, we haven't talked for months and i thought it'd be the same. how could something that stayed constant for years suddenly change in a few months?

i sigh to myself, I'm only doing this for the sake of humanity.

i get up and walk to his desk, putting my sheet in front of him, i almost slammed it. he looks up to me in confusion, with tears in his eyes. how could he cry so easily? i clear my throat.

"here, ninety percent of the questions will come from this. of you want, you can take help from it" and i turn around without waiting for his reply, i don't want to hear it.

it's totally his choice to use it or not. I'm only doing my part, i would've done the same if it were someone else. but the thing is, there's no one in a situation as bad as he always is in.

other people atleast get almost 30 or something, whether they pass or not. but nobita-kun here seems to born with sone type of bad luck that is out of this world. the only time he doesn't get a zero is during finals, which led him to be in the same class as all of us after all these years.

that's a relief to be honest, someone being called a loser just because they don't get enough marks seems illogical to me. but oh well, I'm not the society now, am i.

i realise he's looking at me, probably surprised from our interaction earlier. but i couldn't care less, i open my book and go on with the day as usual.


our class teacher comes in as soon as the bell rings since the school decided it's totally to keep the students in school for one hour in the name of taking tests, rather than 'wasting' school hours.

i mean, if it's a waste, why do it anyways?

"alright class, here's the new seating arrangement for tests only. get moving fast, you don't have much time"

now what kind of new shit is that? i might be way too picky but i really like the current seating arrangement. the people around me are always busy with their stuff and never talk to me, which i appreciate alot.

i just wish it isn't anyone i know, precisely, not the the ever so bubbly shizuka-chan. just not her.

i get up and look at the board far from all the students hovering around it like it's a new edition book– sorry for that. it's not problem for me, since I'm slightly taller than almost everyone here.

"number 13" i mumble to myself and take the seat, putting my bag there as i take out stuff for the test.

but in the next few seconds, lord, i realise it wasn't only shizuka-chan that i wished wasn't near me. there's nobita-kun too. he takes the seat on my left and gives me a half smile.


i think to myself for no reason. i just don't understand why would he do that, we didn't quite the friendship to smile whenever we had eye contact.

anyways, the test begins some ten minutes later on. to which i wonder, why couldn't they do this stupid thing any earlier? and what about the students who have cleaning duties today? might as well start living in the school.

"oh no" he hears someone say as soon as we get the paper. knew it. i knew he wouldn't really study from what i gave him.

he keeps looking at the paper for a while as i do my own, until i hear a thud. surprised from the sudden sound, i look to my side. and it's nobita-kun with his head on the table. must have lost all hope in life.

twenty minutes have already passed by and i bet he hadn't filled in any answer at all. why doesn't he just leave it to luck and mark it? even guesses end up being right sometimes.

"i guess it's no dinner for me tonight" am i the only one who can clearly hear him talking? why isn't the teacher bothered about this?

i sigh to myself. well, cheating isn't really cheating when nothing is being done the right way anyways. I've never believed asking something during a test is wrong, it doesn't mean anything in the end.

"first, tick the B" i cautiously whisper as i look at the teacher almost dozing off. poor human.

nobita-kun looks at my side in surprise as i look at my sheet. can he do it fast?

"write it quickly" i say again as he quickly pushes his mechanical pencil so the lead comes out. he didn't even— alright.




i say upto the 15th question. since i didn't do after that yet. and just as I'm about to say the answer to 16th– i get hit on the he
ad. i look up to find the teacher shaking his head.

"I've been trying so hard not to do this, but you leave me no choice" he says and picks up my sheet??????

wait i didn't even complete it yet. the answers are only worth 70, this couldn't happen. i don't care about marks, when it's about someone else. but if it's my marks, i need them full.

"I'm sorry sensei, i won't do it again" i say with apologetic eyes as all he does is shake his head and snatch nobita-kun's sheet.

out of the only 3 chapters I've written so far, this seems the most boring one. please do tell me if you feel like something is uninteresting or any suggestions on how i can make it better. since I'm doing it, it is my responsibility to do it well, even if i might fail at that.

thank you for all all all the support which i truly don't deserve. i couldn't really ever thank everyone enough.

𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐬  -「  𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗶𝘁𝗮 + 𝗱𝗲𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗴𝗶  」Where stories live. Discover now