tokyo boy

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soon enough recess was over and it was now time for the worst class of the day. mathematics. everyone seemed to dread it because the subject was too hard to grasp and even more of a pain to actually sit down and do on their own.

but today was exceptionally the worst of worst.

they had to recieve the results for the test they gave so long ago a few of our national treasures, the greatest minds had forgotten they ever even gave that test.

"ah, it's such a relief i didn't give it" yuki says stretching out her arms as she leans onto her chair. a soft grin could be heard from niki-kun's side as a hint of amusement was present in his eyes.

Pov change - dekisugi
Ps- he's everyone's favourite narrator so i can't do much in this hehe

I sigh to myself. Life had been such a rollercoaster whatever hurdle lately that I'd completely forgotten about that damned test. It was the first time i submitted a paper without completing it.

My eyebrows knit as i remember the annoying teacher snatching it sway from me, which reminds me of nobita-kun's almost about to cry face as he tried his best to persuade the teacher that it was his fault and not mine.

Really, i don't get him. Not at all. Sometimes i think i do but then again i just don't.

I glace at him for a second, he's staring at his desk completely spaced out. He must have been woken up by the havoc students have been causing since earlier, well, you shouldn't have been sleeping in the first place.

The glance i took at him lasted longer than i could still call it that, so I'll change my wording and say i stared at him. Ahem, stared long enough for him to notice and look me directly in the eyes.

It's the first time I've noticed this, but nobita-kun's eyes aren't pitch black. They're somewhat of a... dark blue. Like the blue at the bottom of the sea. It's hard to catch onto it, since his eyes had always looked like a flickering firetorch.

It's the first time I've looked at his eyes being so calm. But i don't think that's the issue here.

Not him, it's me whose eyes are shaking this time. As soon as i realised it i quickly looked at the front, which almost snapped my neck in two. This was ridiculous.

What's wrong? Why do my ears suddenly feel all... hot? Even my palms are warm, as if all the blood had rushed to my fingertips. There was no need for me to act this hastily, but it felt like if i held that stare any longer I'd burst out.

I don't even know what the hell does that mean. But it just felt unbearable. Like something at the back of my mind told me 'it's enough, just look back now'. And before i knew my eyes were the flickering firetorch i had just been talking about.

But why did he just keep looking too? And why didn't his eyes start dancing like there was a damn earthquake? Why didn't he look away like i did? That's even more... ridiculous.

Why am i the only one getting flustered over some sleepy eyes? I must be in my wrong mind. I'll just take a quick glance and check agai-

Huh? His head is buried in his arms on the desk again. But... i think I'm seeing things. Why are his ears red? And his neck too... what the hell? Why am i even thinking about this.

"Hidetoshi dekisugi" the teacher calls me as i get up to take my answer sheet but right after me he says nobita-kun's name. I grab the sheet and walk towards my seat.

He's still in the same position as before. I lightly knock onto his desk as he finally faces me. There's nothing wrong, i must've been overly conscious earlier.

"Here, well done." I say and go back to my seat. Opening my paper, i now understand why the highschoolers in all those dramas crumble up their results. It's the first time but i already want to burn this thing to ashes.

A damned 73? What, am i supposed to buy a lemon soda with this ridiculous result?

I fold it and put it in between my math textbook, yuki taps my shoulder from behind.

"Why do you look like you want to kill someone? Didn't our hidetoshi-kun get a perfect score this time too?" She says happily.

A perfect score, my foot.

I stay quiet as i have no response for that. I wish the day would be over soon so i could go home and bury that damned piece of-

"Awh, it's no fun if you play the mute game. Cmon, tell us what you got. Mr. Flawless?" That annoying pink haired guy speaks up. Of course, he had to.

Still not getting any reslonse from me, he then turns his head to nobita-kun sitting in front of him. I already know what's coming.

"What'd you get, pretty boy?"

"...a 73" he says. I sigh.

Someone in the class shouts,"WHAT? NOBITA-KUN GOT A WHAT?" And there goes the whole class chirping like a flock of birds.

Everyone saw it happening the other day, except a few who were absent. Yet they all never brought it up. Not to me, atleast. I didn't hear nobita-kun mention anything like that to me.

Well, not like he'd tell me anyways.

"Hey! Doesn't dekisugi-san have the same numbers?"

"Huh? You're kidding me!"

"No way, did he show him everything he wrote down?"

"Now, now. Everyone, calm down and go back to your seats. It's just a mock test so there's no need to be so excited over the results, yes? There's still time before your actual examinations. Take it easy" miss hanada says with the sweet smile she always has on her lips.

I don't know if it's because she's a math teacher, or because she has her own interests in literature, but she's surely an adult much different than the ones we see.

She's always telling us to not get anxious, or too excited. Maybe it's because her college entrance exams have gone long ago so our struggles don't seem much to her.

Eitherway, i still respect her for being someone who gives an umbrella in a hail. She keeps her cool in the worst of situations.

"Those who did well, please keep it up. Those who did not, you can keep going. I'm sure if you do, you'll reach your destination one day" and with that, she leaves the class even though there's still time for the bell to ring.

But soon after, everyone goes back to discussing the national security level issue they have on their hands. Poor miss hanada, she must've thought they were being like this over their own results.

"You tell us dekisugi-san, what'd you get?" A boy, specifically named haruka asked me.

"73" i replied. Everyone fell silent for a second. And there was an outbust of people shouting and whistles.

"Wow, that's so cool. You shared all the answers and even got your paper snatched away?"

"Never knew dekisugi-san & nobita-kun had this kind of friendship. Well done, it's good to hear he got such a grade. Even if that was by some means hehe"

That was not the kind of reaction i was expecting. I thought some of them would be angry, and a few would go and curse out nobita-kun. But everyone seemed to be happy about it. Some even told me i did a great job.

Well, that was a rememberable day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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