strings, are they connections?

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"good morning" i say back at nobita-kun. he gives me a smile as we continue walking, it was quite a change to see him not say the same to yuki who had been walking just a few steps before us.

ah, is it because that troublemaker is here?

i silently thought to myself, nobita-kun mentioned earlier he felt nervous around him. i didn't understand him though.

he had always been the type to make friends quickly and was easy to talk to. so this hotality directed towards only that thug was obviously surprising, but it made me feel some kind of contentment. that's what he deserved, so it was only fair someone like nobita-kun didn't befriend him–

"that newspaper thing that you talked about earlier, i put our names together as dekisugi-kun told me to."

nobita-kun interrupts my train of thoughts. or more specifically, my train of bitter thoughts about that pink hairs dude.

"mhm" i nod simply as i didn't pay much attention to his words earlier and decided to go along with it.

afterall, what newspaper? i don't remember bringing up anything like that. eitherway, i could ask him about it any other time. we basically spend all of our evenings together anyways.

nobita-kun doesn't speak up after that as we reach the stairs and i start stepping up on my usual pace.

- pov changes -

that 'usual pace' of our mister -don't talk to me unless you are on the verge of dying, or worse, failing- looked like a snail trying to reach the end of hell's stairs.

side note; the narrator knows there are no stairs to hell but an elevator. they just needed an exaggerative example.

if you asked nobita, he would say dekisugi-kun didn't have breakfast this morning and might have not had a proper sleep last night. but he was obviously innocent about the matter.

this was indeed the way our mister -don't talk t– alright I'll stop with that nickname. instead, we'll use our top student* from here on. so this was indeed the way he walked on those stairs everyday.

with eyes that showed no signs of life and forehead full of sweat he had his right hand busy with his phone that connected the earphones to his ears and left hand reaching for the railing every other second, but not grabbing onto it.

an old lady with an expensive porcelain in her hands, walking up the same stairs might be a better sight than him.

after what seemed like an intolerable eternity, they finally reached the floor their class was on. nobita was probably more tired by looking at the guy in front of him than climbing the stairs himself.

he finally let out a big sigh of relief as they stood in front of their classroom. that made the other young lad turn to him as he wiped off his sweat using his handkerchief.

"are you that tired from just the stairs?"

is it me who is tired or you?!

is what nobita thought but kept to himself. obviously, he couldn't blurt out something like that at someone who lookedike they'd pass out any second. he could only let out a silent 2 second giggle by turning his head to the right.

but he wasn't at fault. how was he supposed to know of this? this was the first time in years that he had climbed up the stairs with our top student. afterall, he was never on time.

so he didn't know about this interesting quality of his classmate, or the temporary tutor.

as he entered the class right after dekisugi, the whole class gasped as if Sho Time* had just appeared before them. but it wasn't a sight less peculiar than that.

nobita-kun, on time? it had to rain– no. it had to snow today. in the middle of may, it definitely had to snow today as the cherry blossoms bloomed.

some of them opened their phones to check the time incase the digital clock hanging right above the board in their class had suddenly malfunctioned. a whole group of whispers was heard.

dekisugi went over and took his seat, he couldn't care less about the whispering. it was only hunan nature to be surprised after seeing something rare, even he had been surprised earlier. though it may have been for a completely different reason.

nobita's ears almost turned red as he stood before his seat, though there was no embarrassment. afterall, the whole class was friends with him.

"good morning guys, it's a surprise day today~" he says in a voice that reflected both shyness and happiness.

alpt of the students went back to their usual stuff and a few of them started taliing to him about how this came to be.

dekisugi decided to busy himself with the book in his hand, though it was syllabus related. it was just a novel he had started reading a few days ago.

within some more time, both yuki and that thug– oh, pardon me. dekisugi's influence must've rubbed off me too. i meant niki-kun also entered the class together.

with of course, more colas in both their hands. they looked like those volunteers during the school's sports fest offering refreshments to everyone.

that reminds our top student of the newspaper thing nobita-kun had mentioned earlier. ah, so it was that.


*our top student; if anyone got the reference, i love you.
*Sho Time; popular Japanese professional baseball pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB).

extremely short chapter with only fillers and no dialogue at all~
also did you find any changes in the representation? if you did, how is it? is this way of narrating fine or should i just stick to 'whatever gets the story accross' way? do tell me if you have any thoughts <3

as always, thank you~

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