changes to my life

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I get up as i pick my bag and wait for yuki to do the same so we can leave the class but disappointment comes soon enough. I glance over at her only to find she's staring at the sleeping new dude.

"You aren't coming?" I ask in a bored tone as she quickly gestures me to keep quiet and then shoos ne away with her hands.

"Well, just so you know, you look like a total creep right now" i don't really like giving people comments on what they're doing but yuki is a different case, i need to smack some sense into her before her mother knows about all the stupid things she does.

"What's creepy?" The guy wakes up out of nowhere as i stare at his drooling face.

I turn around to walk out as i notice the whole class is empty by now, except me, yuki, the guy and - nobita-kun? What, are we a group of highschool friends now or something? No thanks.

"Hey pretty boy, do you know why he hates me so much already?" He leans onto nobita-kun's shoulder as he clearly flinches by the sudden contact.

If you hate it that much, just say so

I mentally sigh at his stupidity, well, that's none of my business. I turn around to walk away when our classteacher suddenly enters the room again, a mental pressure on me to stop in my track again, of course unwillingly.

"I'm glad you're still here, dekisugi-kun. I have a little something to discuss with the four of you"

Ah, shit. What do you mean the four of us!?

I quietly nod and stay at my place as everyone's attention is towards him now. I'm guessing that delinquent would've sat up straight by now too, but I can't tell for sure since I haven't turned around to check it.

"As you know, dekisugi-kun is the most academically blessed student in our school, and we're lucky to have him here..." He pauses and shifts his eyes somewhere at my right, he must be looking at nobita-kun.

"But there is someone who's quite the opposite now, eh? And it's the similar situation with yuki-chan and nishimura-kun"

What? As long as i remember, yuki's no better than nobita-kun at studying. So is this guy even more hopeless than her? Is it even possible? The three of them, hitting rock bottom?-

"Nishimura-kun has managed to score perfect grades in every subject except for maths in his last school, while yuki-chan seems to struggle with her grades. So-"

I couldn't really hear what the teacher said after that.

The hell? This good for nothing fool who looks like he's some gangster who also sleeps all the time gets perfect scores?

" that fine with you?" Was all i could hear after snapping back to reality. I blinked a few times at the teacher before a deep voice interrupted us, it was almost like those asmrs.

"Well, I don't have any problems" the delinquent spoke up with nonchalance. I could see his expressions without turning back.

"And you, hidetoshi-kun?"

"Yes?" I ask back since i really have no idea what he was talking about.

"Don't worry, sensei, I'll talk to him about it. I'm sure he would want to help his classmate in need too" yuki suddenly jumps up from behind, putting her hands onto my shoulder as the teacher smiles politely.

"Then I'll be putting my trust in you, i hope you all do well" and he leaves with that.

"What was that about?" I quickly turn around to see yuki sitting on nobita-kun's bench as he awkwardly sits there not knowing what to do.

Of course, that mouth of yours is no use.

I sigh to myself and walk over to her, when she suddenly starts laughing and claps woth her hands.

"This is crazy, really. Are you that happy to hear you'll be getting to spend tine woth nobita-kun?" I crossed my brows at that, i can feel that pink haired dude's gaze pierce through me.

"What the hell are you even talking about?"

"...sensei asked you to personally tutor me" nobita-kun speaks up, making my eyes shift to his low hung head.

"And I'll be incharge of suki!" The nuisance speaks up cheerily. I completely ignore him.

"Um, it's yuki-"

"That's alright, Nobita -kun! Suki sounds way better anyways" yuki chimes with happiness.

You might as well ask him for marriage at this rate

"..why did he say that?"

"Of course because he wants the model students to help out us poor ones"

" if he's anywhere near a model student" i quietly mumble to myself, hoping the delinquent heard that well.

"Anyways, he told us to start from today and give a weekly report. And i can guess you don't really like me, so I'll be taking the music room, you go study at home" that dude gets up as he speaks.

But why should i have to do that?!?!?

"Is it like just an order-"

"We'll be getting extra points on the volunteer work with reccomendations"

Guess humans have to adjust sometimes

"Uh, so, hidetoshi-kun..." I look down at the boy who looks like an abandoned puppy.

Come on, what are you so scared of? Speak up what you want to.

"Where do you want to go? And tell me what your free hours are, and what type of drink you like"

He looks up at me for the first time with eyes completely confused. He's a total openbook, isn't he?

"Hey! That's not fair, you never asked me what my favourite drink is"

"All you do is drink cola all the time, i didn't need to ask you" yuki stays quiet at that.

"Well well well, I'll leave you to business now. See you later, pretty boy" pink hair delinquent dude gets up and leaves with yuki following him.


"so... I'm available anytime between 4 to 12, and I'm okay with wherever you want to study" he says on our way back home.

Somehow, the question about where he wanted to study is useless now. We both seemed to mutually agree on my house, without saying anything.

And why the hell does he say everything like that!? What do you mean "available"!!?

"...and your favourite drink?" I say, putting my hands in my pant as he looks at me.

"Why are you asking though?"

"Since I won't let you have lunch because it increases drowsiness, I'll provide you with beverages" i reply, glancing at him.

His face visibly drops with a very hardly audible 'oh'. Why, did he think i was being a prince charming or something?

"Apple juice" he says as i nod to myself. It's a relief he said that, I've got lots of it back at home.


Here's the unedited version again
because I'm a trashy human, enjoy!

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