Chapter 1 - The Dream

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Sonic's POV

I sigh depressingly as my friend Tails brought me along to another one of his daily stroll. This two-tailed yellow fox is very stubborn when it comes to me and my health, not that I don't appreciate it.

Ever since I enroll in college I've been so stressed lately and my sleep schedule is a mess. I'm fully aware that I used to be so much healthier when I was still a high school student, but college? It's just taking me and my mind to the sewer at this point, maybe lower. I don't want to self-diagnose but maybe I'm also depressed.

Tails here is much smarter than me although he's still a second year in high school. He used to be my neighbor, he recently just move to another house that's closer to his school but we're still so close to each other. We always look after one another and support each other whenever we feel down or need some kind of help, it feels like we're brothers.

It was nice when I could still think about worrying about others...but ever since college hits my head I can no longer do that. I can't even take care of myself, how am I supposed to do the same thing for Tails? Yet, here he is still worrying about me. He should really just focus on his homework than thinking about me.

"Today feels very chill, don't you think so?" he look at me and smiled.

I chuckled, "sure is, buddy."

"So what time did you go to bed last night?"

Oh here we go again. I avert my eyes away nervously and chuckle lightly, "around 10 pm...I think."

He starts frowning and stop walking, making me stop on my tracks too.

"We talked about this, you need to sleep early to stay healthy. Did you even eat dinner?" He put his hands on his hips.

I stay quiet and decide not to answer him while still gazing the other way. Then I hear him sigh.

"It feels like you're getting worse ever since I moved away, do I need to stay over at your house to make sure you eat properly?"

"No! Don't do that!" I reject his idea, "you have school, don't waste your time on me."

"Taking care of you is not a waste of time, Sonic. You need it. You NEED someone to keep you in check." He claimed.

"I'm fine all by myself." I fold my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at him.

As he was about to say something to me, his phone rang. He look at the screen and groan.

"Sorry, I have to take this..." he said to me and I just nod my head.

While he's having a long conversation, my eyes start looking all over the place just trying to distract myself and wait for him to finish his call. Then my eyes stop at this particular place, seems like a brand new coffee shop.

"Ah damn it."

I turn my head and stare at Tails again, "what's up?" I asked.

"The crafting project I've been working on at my friend's place is a little...broken." he say that like he's also confused about its condition, "we're supposed to hand it tomorrow so I have to come over and fix it." he groaned.

"Well you go on to your friend's place, I'll just head home from here." I smiled.

"I'm really sorry about this, I'll come visit you tomorrow!" He shout at me while running away.

"You don't have to!" I shout back just loud enough to make sure he heard me before actually leaving.

Well, here I am with my bad thoughts again. I should go home, but...I turn my head over to where I saw the coffee shop earlier and can't help but wanting to visit it. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and go there, right?

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