Chapter 4 - His Name

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Sonic's POV

It's the weekend and obviously there are no classes. Tails invited me to go out but I lied and told him that I need to stay home to focus on finishing my homework. As if I even have the motivation to do that, I'll be doing nothing at all this whole weekend. I just want to be alone.

I'm laying with my stomach on bed and play with my phone, just scrolling to some weird nonsense posts on my social media.

It seems that it's starting to get cloudy outside, maybe it'll rain soon which is the perfect weather to enjoy for someone like me. As my ears perk from the small sounds of rain trickling down on the roof and window, I began to feel sleepy. I yawn and put my phone down, as much as I hate taking a nap right now I actually really need it.

I still have a mental quarrel with myself about these unusual dreams lately, but since I keep having no memories of it then screw it. I'm gonna take a damn nap.


I'm back at the coffee shop as usual. I sigh and stir the drink on the table while looking out the window. I hate how sunny it is outside, it pains my eyes. I turn my head and gaze around the room, it's still so quiet. Not even a single customer is here other than me. I notice the familiar dark hedgehog coming in from the door and I don't know why but I can't help but feel so relaxed...and even happy to see him.

We gaze into each other's eyes, his mysterious red eyes are such a sight to see. It complements the red streaks on his quills and he looks amazing.

"Can't believe you made it here before me." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I got nothing to do at home." I chuckled back, "aren't you going to order something?" I asked.

"Not really in the mood to drink anything...but I do want to see you, that's why I'm here." He smiled.

"Ah..." I form a small smile and look down, "well there's not much to see."

"You must be looking yourself at a broken mirror then, I see a strong blue hedgehog who never gives up on his life."

"Oh please." I look at him and roll my eyes sarcastically.

"I'm serious, Sonic." He smiled.

"Well...thanks, I guess"

He reach for my hands and keep on staring at me, "why are you so upset today?"

My gaze is glued to our hands, I start to wonder why I can't feel any warmth from our embracing hands. I let the thought go and stare at him.

"Do I look upset?"

"Yes, did I do something wrong?" He ask concerningly.

"No" I shook my head, "I guess I just feel a little tired of...well...everything"

"If you need a shoulder to lean on, I'm right here."

We stare at each other for a few moments while I'm thinking about his offer. I smile and nod my head. He got up from the chair and pull my hands, I also got up as he lead me to one of the shop's sofa. He let me sit down first before he sit next to me.

I lean my head on his shoulder and actually feel relaxed.

"Thanks, Shadow."

"You're welcome." He smiled and use his other hand to stroke my quills, "just close your eyes and sleep if you are tired..."


My eyes shot open and I sit up on the bed. That dream was very clear! This is the first time I can finally remember it! I quickly grab my phone and write the hedgehog's name down on a note app. I don't ever want to forget it, this is so important to me.

Though I don't remember the previous dreams, this one is so clear that I finally realize how crazy I am to trust a stranger in my dream and lean my fricking head over his shoulder. What is wrong with me?! I don't even know him!

I look outside, the rain seems to already stopped but it's still a little cloudy.

I couldn't sit still after that dream, I head to the bathroom to wash my face before deciding to go to that coffee shop. Maybe someone there knows who this "Shadow" hedgehog is.

I made it to the shop and head to the counter to place my order. As usual, Amy gives me my order but before she turns around I call her again.

"Is there anything else that you need?" She asked.

"Uhm...well, do you happen to know a dark hedgehog with red streaks on his quills named Shadow?" Man I feel like a weirdo asking this to a barista.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I don't think I know him." She apologized with a soft smile.

" that's okay, thank you." I said and she nod her head before getting back to serve the other customers.

I sigh and sit on one of the empty tables. Why did my dream even happened in this place? Why is Shadow always here but not even the barista knows him? I hope I'm not actually dreaming of a dead hedgehog...

I close my eyes and try to remember his features. He has red eyes, tan muzzle, chest fur that looks surprisingly soft. He looks so...attractive, to be honest. I'm a little conflicted of his personality though, he just seems so dark yet so nice towards me in my dream. Is this guy even real? There's no way my brain could generate its own original character THAT cool, especially to even haunt me in my dreams.

I rest my chin on the palm of my hand and sigh as I stare out the large window, wondering if I'd even meet Shadow in real life someday.

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