Chapter 14 - Bliss

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Sonic's POV

After having the best time of my life just being with Shadow all day, he drove me back to my home that night. I showed him where to go before finally arriving at my house. I want to invite him over for a minute since I think it'd be rude for me not to do so. We both exit the car and entered my house.

"Make yourself at home." I smiled, letting him in before closing the door.

I head to the kitchen to prepare some drink for the both of us.

"Hey, who's this?"

I turn my head to see Shadow staring at the picture frame I have on my living room cabinet.

"That's Tails, he used to be my neighbor but he moved away. We're still in touch, though." I said as I take the two cups to the coffee table. "He's like a little brother to me."

Shadow watch me sit on the couch then he also sat down.

"Is he in high school?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's about to be a senior in a few months." I nodded and smiled.

"Aww...that takes me back to when I was still in academy, it was rough though." He chuckled, picking up his cup and take a little sip.

"Oh wait, did you learn to pilot a copter in your academy too?"

"Yeah, it was like an optional class and I decided to take it. It was fun even though I almost crashed most of the time." He laughed.

"Wha-" I chuckle in concern, "well thank Chaos you didn't crash."

"I mean I almost had a fight with my partner which was supposed to be my co pilot when we were training that time. We disagree on a lot of stuff but somehow still managed to make it out and graduate." He shrugged.

"Are you still in contact with your partner?"

"No we kinda don't really like each other." He said and we both laughed.

As if my day wasn't good enough, that night Shadow keeps telling me stories about his past and I just love to hear it. If this world is like a cartoon he would see hearts on my pupils already, I just can't help but feel so nice and comforted just by hearing him talk.

Then we begin to joke around and tell each other weird stories about our life that we just like to poke fun of. I seriously haven't felt this relaxed in so long, it feels really good.

We're having so much fun just sitting and talking to each other that we didn't notice it was getting late. As much as I hate it but it's time for us to wrap up our conversation. Besides, I have morning class tomorrow.

Shadow and I got up from the couch and we head to the door. After I open it I decided to walk him up to his car.

"Thank you so much for today, Shadow. I had fun." I smiled.

"Me too, it's really fun to hang out with you." He smiled back and unlocked the door to his car. He opened it but he's not getting in yet.

"Hey, Sonic?" He turn to face me again.

I tilt my head confusingly, "yeah?"

"Can we hang out again tomorrow?" He asked and I blush almost instantly.

"Ye- yeah, I'll text you when my class is over." I smiled shyly.

"Okay, cool." He nodded.

To my absolute shock, he lean close to my face and suddenly kiss me on the lips. I close my eyes and open them again when he pulled away. I'm still in shock.

"Goodnight, Sonic." He smiled before getting in his car.

"I- y- g-goodnight." I stuttered, I feel like a mess.

He finally drove away and I hurried myself back to the house. I closed the door and locked it before throwing myself to the couch, screaming in joy.

A kiss? A KISS?! You don't kiss someone you don't have a romantic feeling with! Does- does that mean he...likes me? Does he know that I have a crush on him?! I mean, I guess it's super obvious from my face, but still!

Oh man I just want to jump off a roof and fly away, my heart can't stop pounding right now. So this is what real happiness feels like? It's too much but I'll take it, like damn this feels overwhelming but it's good. I hope I can even sleep after this.


That morning, I arrive at campus and enter my class. When I thought I was going to have a peaceful day learning today because I'm still in a good mood thinking about what happened between Shadow and me last night, I completely forgot that Scourge saw me yesterday when Shadow picked me up. He approach me and rest his hands on my desk.

"Okay. Tell me. Now." He demanded.

I nervously avert my eyes away, "he...that was...uhm..."

"Is that the guy? The one you told me about?" He asked straight to the point and I nod my head slowly.

"Your friend's friend, right? God, you had me worried." He grumbled, "why didn't you just tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I was nervous and it was a bit awkward." I chuckled. "But why are you worried?"

"Because it was raining, moron. You even seem surprised when he picked you up like you didn't even know him." He said irritatingly and flicked my ear.

"Ow! Okay, geez, I said I'm sorry." I whined and hold my ear in pain.

Scourge walk back to his seat when the lecturer arrive. I'm so glad he didn't question me about anything suspicious or anything because I know I won't be able to answer them.

Well, now that Scourge doesn't seem to worry about me anymore I can't wait for class to end so I can hang out with Shadow again!

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