Chapter 3 - Please Stay

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Sonic's POV

I attend my afternoon class even though I didn't want to, when I arrive I'm so close to being late but that didn't bother me. I almost couldn't pay attention for the entire lecture, my mind is just clouded with the thought of last night's dream. My brain is also too busy digging my memory so I can remember how that hedgehog's face looks like, it's all distracting me from the lecture.

When the lecture ends, I got called to stay in class after everyone left. I sigh and sit on the front row desk, facing my lecturer's desk directly. He took his glasses off and stare at me with this worrying look.

"I notice you've been spacing out in my class lately."

I lower my ears down and nodded.

"What seems to be the problem? Your grades is the most noticable out of everyone, you're slowly failing my class."

"I..." I feel hesitant to even answer him honestly, "I just couldn't get enough rest these days...homeworks kept me busy too."

"Ah...well, sleeping less than you normally do is already bad enough for your health," he paused, "okay, for this week's homework I'll delay the deadline just for you for an extra three days, that way you can do it slowly and you can still have enough rest." He smiled at his own suggestion.

Health comes first but my homework is always behind it. I know he's just trying to help, at least he wants too. I guess that's better than getting yelled at for not paying attention.

"Thank you, sir." I smiled back. After that I was excused to leave the class.

I went to a nearby fastfood restaurant and have lunch, I don't really feel like cooking at home. I'm too lazy for that.

As I got home, I lock the door and enter my bedroom. I feel so exhausted for some odd reason. It's not like I run all the way back and I didn't even pay that much attention in class.

I lay down on my bed and start to feel sleepy, but at the same time I also have a headache. Maybe I just need a quick nap...


I enter the Rose Brew once more and sit down on the usual spot near the window. It seems pretty sunny today, though there's absolutely no one outside. The shop is empty too, but there's this blurry figure standing behind the counter. I wonder who that is?

My eyes spot a dark hedgehog coming in and got in line to order something. He got his coffee and he stare at me with a smile before approaching the seat right in front of me.

"As promised, here, it's for you." He put the cup on the table and I took it.

I take a small sip, weirdly I don't taste anything but somehow I know it's delicious. I smile at him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He lean back on his chair and cross his legs together.

"Is something troubling you?"

"I...have been really stressed out lately...I don't know how to talk to my friends about it, I don't want to burden them with my personal problem..." I put the cup down and stare at it.


I move my gaze up to make eye contact with him.

"I don't know how much I can be of help but if you don't talk your feelings out to someone, you'll just be pressured with it." He said and I lower my ears down.

"I don't want to burden Tails or Scourge...if I can hold it, why should I let it out?"

"Because that's not healthy." He unfold his legs and sit straight, "if talking things out can relieve your stress even just a little, then do it." He smiled softly.


"If they really are your friends, they would hear you out even if they don't have a solution. They will lend you their ears for you to express your feelings without judging you or your personal problem."

He move forward a bit and hold my hands, "if you don't trust you trust me? Would you like to talk to me?"

I don't know why but my eyes start to feel wet. I notice that I'm crying and I can't stop the flow of tears in my eyes. It feels...nice.

"I hate my life...I feel like I want to ditch everyone and just disappear..."

He gently wipe my tears away with his thumb and kept smiling.

"Now why do you think disappearing would be the best choice for you?"

"Because then I don't have to burden anyone...especially Tails...and I won't have this stupid responsibility to finish my education like my parents told me to..." I almost choke on my words since I'm still sobbing.

"What do you think they will feel if you suddenly disappear?"

I stare at him and feel a little surprised. I actually don't know how to answer that and just stayed silent.

"Sonic..." he called me with the most softest voice I've ever heard, "don't disappear, your friends still care about you."

He gently brush my hands and lift them up.

"Your friends...your family...they still care about you even if you feel like no one in this world is supporting you."

My tears began to flow more. Something about his deep voice calms me down as he gives this message to me.

"I care about you too, so no matter what don't you dare give's okay to cry, it's okay to be angry, but remember that it is not okay to disappear."

I look down at our hands and nod my head slowly.

"Value your life, Sonic, don't give in to the dark clouds inside your head because your heart is still trying to survive."

He suddenly got up and also pull me up from my seat, then he embraces me in a tight hug.

"You can do this...believe in yourself that you will make it through another day and the next day after that."

I hug back and start sobbing on his shoulder.

"I...really needed to hear that...thank you..."

We stay in the same position for a while before letting each other go. He slowly push me back to sit on the chair before pulling his hands away.

"I have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back." He smiled.

"Wait, I still want to talk to you!"

"We will talk again later."

"When will you be back?" Somehow I can't reach him even though he's right in front of me.

"I won't be long."

"Promise me you'll come back!"

He stare at me in surprise before chuckling, "I promise."


I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I reach my muzzle and feel the wet skin under my eyes, was I crying in my sleep? What did I dream about that made me cry? And more importantly why do I relaxed?

I check the clock and to my surprise it's already past 4 pm. That was a pretty long nap, I hope I can even sleep tonight after that.

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