Chapter 11 - Anticipation

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Sonic's POV

"Seriously, Sonic, I told you to order take-out or something if you're so lazy to make dinner." Tails grumbled in the kitchen.

"Sorry buddy." I chuckle nervously.

It's night time and Tails decided to visit me so suddenly. I literally just got back from the coffee shop about fifteen minutes ago and I heard a knock on the door. I guess I'm glad I'm home on time, otherwise he'd be even worried about me for not being at home at this time.

Tails is like an angry mom whenever he's around me, like he always feel responsible for my well-being, he's so adorable.

"'s your sleep?" He asked.

I pull a chair back from the dining table and sat down, "I have no problem with sleeping lately." I said and he smiled at me.

"You're not lying to me, right?" He asked and I shook my head, "well that's great to hear! I'm so glad you managed to fix your habit of staying up late."

I just smiled at him as he continue preparing dinner.

"What about your studies? Anything new that I should know?" I asked.

He turn around with two plates in his hands and he groaned.

"CHAOS you are NOT going to believe what my friend did yesterday!" He whined before approaching the table.

We both begin eating our dinner while he continue telling me his story. I'm always happy to hear him out since he always have a lot going on with his school life. As long as he doesn't question mine, I'm fine with hanging out with him all day.


It's the start of a new day and I wake up feeling surprised. Why? Because I didn't dream about Shadow which I expected to happen every night. I know the feeling of knowing that I forgot a dream and not dreaming at all, so it's pretty shocking to me.

Is this a sign that I'm slowly gaining my sanity back? Because I meet Shadow in real life? If that's so then I'm actually really glad about it.

Since I don't have morning class today I decided to relax for a bit. I took a shower, made breakfast and yeah all the usual stuff you do in the morning. I decided to spend some time to do my homework too, I just feel really good this morning so I'm not wasting the opportunity to make progress for my college assignments.

As I was typing on my laptop, my phone vibrate and caught my attention away. I grab it and check to see who texted me.


I didn't open it yet, I need a moment because I'm starting to feel a bit flustered. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before finally opening his message.

"Hey, I hope I don't bother you atm. I want to meet you at Rose Brew again today at the usual time, sounds okay with you?"

Is this a date?

No no no it can't be, what am I thinking. Though, I'm happy that he's asking me to hang out again today. How can I decline? I sent him my reply and we both agreed to meet up later this afternoon. I should be able to go to Rose Brew right after my class ends.

I put away my phone and continue with my homework. I at least want to finish this now that I'm actually doing it.

Third Person POV

Shadow smiled at his phone after exchanging text messages with his new blue friend. The other friend in the room seems to notice and smirked.

"A date?" She playfully asked and startled him.

"Wh- huh? No!"

"Well you look pretty happy." Rouge chuckled and sat next to him, "Sonic must be really special, huh?"

"Well I...wouldn't exactly say that." Shadow averted his eyes away, "I would like to tell you about it but it doesn't seem right, it's more of a personal problem to him and it's wrong for me to casually tell other people about it." He explained.

Rouge raised her brow, "'re doing your best to be as supportive as you can?"

"I guess so." Shadow nodded, "he's a rather peculiar hedgehog but he is sweet." He smiled at her.

Rouge smirked and giggled, it confused the other.


"You're adorable despite looking so mean."

"Oh shut up." Shadow rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Especially when you're in love, you really need to get yourself a lover before settling in on your own." She stood up and walk away but still received an annoyed glare from the other.

"Don't tell me what I should do with my life, Rouge! Why don't you go and move in with your boyfriend instead of living with me?" He questioned.

"Because I don't want you to feel alone~!" She teased before going to another room.


Meanwhile, as Sonic was studying in class, he couldn't get the thought of meeting up with Shadow out of his head. He tried to prevent himself from smiling like a maniac in class or else the lecturer would question him.

As the class ended, he quickly took his belongings and head straight to the lockers.


The shout of his name made him stop on his tracks and he turned himself around.

"What's up?" He asked to the green hedgehog.

"Since next week we're having a pair study I want you to hold on to this book." Scourge said and hand him a textbook.

Sonic took it from his hand and nodded with a smile, "sure I can do that."

Scourge smiled back, "you're so cheerful today." He chuckled, "well I'll see you later." he said and left.

"Bye Scourge!" Sonic said before going back to his locker and put all his stuff there.

After he was done with every thing else he needed to do in campus he immediately made his way to Rose Brew where he'll be meeting up with the hedgehog of his dreams, literally.

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