Chapter 13 - Storm

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Sonic's POV

I woke up this morning feeling great, it's unusual. Perhaps it's because I'm anticipating to meet Shadow again after class? Yeah, it must be.

As much as I have to admit that I feel better after meeting Shadow, I still hate college. My feelings toward my classes never change and the only reason I'm even up and out of bed is to not make Shadow or Tails or even Scourge to worry about me.

The lecturer came to class and collected our homework today and guess what? He decided to give us another one. My suffering just won't end. The worst part is that the homework is even harder and seems to take more time than the previous one.

That just means I have to put more effort into it if I wanna get good grades.

Does any lecturer here even care about their students' mental AND physical health? Besides being tortured mentally I swear someone must have stayed up all night to do their homework which I know will affect their physical health. I would know.

Just when it can't be more annoying, it's raining outside. Heavily. I'm supposed to meet Shadow after this, why does it have to be raining? Now my good mood from this morning completely vanished.

Class finally ended, I got up to put my stuff to the locker before I check on my phone. There's no text nor a call from Shadow. I sigh and decided to walk outside where I meet Scourge at the porch.

"Can't really go home at this weather, huh?"

"Yeah...this sucks." I grumbled.

We both decided to have small talks while waiting for the rain to stop. Then, we saw a car parked near the campus' gate. We both saw someone coming out of the car with an umbrella before approaching us. My eyes widen in shock. Shadow came to pick me up?!

He walk towards the porch and smiled when he sees me.

"Hey who's that?" Scourge asked.

"Um- umm...he- uhh.."

I keep stuttering, I couldn't answer Scourge's question and I feel more nervous when Shadow is finally right in front of me.

"Come on, you'll get cold if you stand out here for too long." He offered his hand to me.

I turn my head to see Scourge's reaction, he look so confused.

"Thank you, Shadow" I smiled and took his hand before turning my gaze back to Scourge, "um- I'll see you tomorrow." I said and left the porch. I'm sure he'll question me  the next day.

Shadow, still holding the umbrella, opened the door to the pessenger seat and let me get in before he closes the door. He then walk to the other side and get in the driver's seat carefully to not let any drop of water into the car.

I stayed silent, I don't know what to say or what to talk about. I mean, I was in a bad mood earlier and got a little tensed when Scourge saw Shadow. I'm pretty much still in shock.

"Are you alright?"

My ears perked and I stare at him, "I'm just a little surprised that you decided to pick me up there."

He glanced at me for a second before glancing back to the road, "well I can't let you go to Chaos Monument while it's raining so I have to pick you up by car." he said, "you look upset, every thing okay?"

"I- I was just...I'm just shy that my friend get to see us hang out together, I haven't really told him anything about us yet." I finally confessed.

Shadow looked at me in surprise for a second, "is that why you don't want me to go to your campus?" He asked.

"Yeah...but I'm not upset that you picked me up! I'm just upset at myself for making this into a problem." I sigh.

"Why do you think it will be a problem if your friend finds out?"

"He'll tease me about it and I hate being teased..." I grumbled while looking out the window.

"Ah...well if you have any problem with anyone in your class just tell me."

I stare at him suspiciously, "you're not gonna kill them, are you?"

"What?" He chuckled, "no of course not, I'll probably just talk to them and give them a warning or two." He said but it still concerns me.

We stopped at a restaurant that I don't think I've ever visited before. The parking area has a roof so it's safe for us to come out without worrying about the rain.

We walk inside the building, greeted by a waitress and she takes us to our table. We both sat down and ordered from the menu. Honestly this place isn't too fancy but it isn't do I put it...normal, I guess? The place is actually pretty nice.


"Yeah?" I responded to Shadow's call.

"I can't help but noticed that before I got out of the car earlier you looked rather gloomy." He said and for some reason I feel tensed.

"If there's anything that bothers you, you know you can talk to me about it." He softly smiled at me and hold my hands.

I stare at our hands before looking away, I feel nervous now.

"It- it's nothing really-"

"Hey." He interrupted, "I will be here to support you...don't be shy to talk to me."

I sigh and gave up since his soft gaze made me weak.

"I was upset that my class got another homework after we just finished the recent's like we're not allowed to get any breaks." I quietly complain to him, I looked at him and he nodded his head signaling me to continue.

"I actually struggled to finish the previous one and now I have to struggle again...I guess I'm glad I can even sleep now, because I used to stay up or not sleep at all" I stared at our hands again, "and the main reason that made me stay up all night isn't from doing the homework, but because I stressed out and I ended up overthinking..."

"Oh Sonic...I know I shouldn't be the one to say this since I don't even go to college, but...I believe that you can overcome it." He reassured, "I might not know anything in the field of environmental science but if you need help with your homework I will definitely try my best and help you." He smiled.

I smiled back, "thank you, Shadow."

"You deserve to have breaks, you deserve to rest and have a relaxed and healthy mind. So promise me if you need help you will call me, okay?"

I raise my brows, he said that so seriously.

"Um- o-okay." I stuttered.

He looked so relieved when I answered.

"Good. Now, let's just enjoy our lunch and distract ourselves for the time being." He said and it made me chuckle.

"You're right, let's enjoy our time while we can."

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