How it Happend- Prologue to a Seers Life

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Nightmares suck a lot. I used to have them alot when I was younger. Now it's much scarier considering my nightmares are gonna happen. That's right I can see the future. Yay so awesome right? Wrong it sucks specially when the only future that shows up is all your friends and family getting captured or killed by death eaters. I didn't realize I was a seer too until my 3rd Year when I had divination. Everyone thought the teacher was a fake and I did too. Until I realized my nightmares are exactly how a vision happened. Also I had another dream that came true and it was weird. That summer I dreamed of Harry and Sirius meeting then hugging then a Werewolf appearing. Of course it happened.

After realizing I was a seer I kept trying to change the future but I was never able to. The events of third year were scary so now I'm trying to change my fourth year.  Bit then my nightmares got worse and I realized we would never be strong enough to defeat Voldemort. We never will. I wanna change that and live my life and grow. At first I thought of telling Harry but he never believed in Professor Trelawney so why would he believe me. Don't even get me started on Hermione. Next I tried to get stronger but quickly realized thag I have no place to train no teacher to help with physical training and my core was too weak for the spells I needed to defend myself. I couldn't even plan ahead because I never learned what causes us to lose  all I know is that we die in the end.

My 3rd and final choice was just stupid though. Growing up my crazy aunt Muriel always said that the Weasley family was close to the gods and that's the only reason she let my mum marry my dad. My parents never believed a word of it but I always paid close attention to it unlike the rest of my family. I became her favorite out of all of us but that's barely anything considering she hates us all. She talked about Egyptian mythology. She claimed the god of magic thoth had blessed our family and that's why we are still going strong.

Still my parents believed it was just fiction and so do the rest of my siblings. I of course am willing to do anything to help my friends during the war. During my fourth year I had found a book on the school library. It was during Christmas break and I had finally found the book I was looking for. The book which was carefully hidden away in the back part of the library nobody goes to was called the Ancient gods of Egypt.

I opened the book and it was just descriptions of the gods I could have gotten from Bill!. I was pissed off until I went to thoths page. There wasn't much description just a big spiral with a little space in the middle. I scoffed and and went to close the book. As I was closing the book I got a paper cut and quickly opened the book because my fingers were in between the pages. There blood leaked into the  and something happened.

The entire page started to turn red and the rest of the book started turning into ash.  "What the fuck!" I step back and the entire back and see the entire book has changed. The book was now silver with the title Book of Thoth. "What the hell". I opened the book snd now there were different spells and as I tried to go through it the pages started moving on their own.

It opened up to the page titled summoning. "Bloody hell it wants me to summon a god"! At the bottom of the page in tiny letters it says 'if thoth does not want to be summoned by you your soul shall be sent to the Duat. "What the ever bloody hell is the Duat!?" New words appear a second later 'the land of the dead '. So now if I fail I die. Well fuck.

For Harry to help him survive the Triwizard tournament. I remind myself. I start the spell it makes me draw weird symbols in the air while chanting. The symbols start glowing gold as I finish the spell. I step back as everything starts to shake and I black out. I never knew how much time passed but I woke up. The place was bright with what looked like rays of light moving surrounding us. I took a deep breath then I saw him.

He had silver hair with glasses. He was pale and was wearing a modern hoodie with jeans. He looks to be around my age. ,"Bloody hell -what is this place and who are you!?" The strange man chuckles. "you summoned me Ronald. I am Thoth god of magic". I take a deep breath and step back. He laughs again pissing me off. "This is my realm the realm of magic where all magic comes from" I look at him and I notice his eyes. They are gold eyes and I can't stop looking at them. He looks directly at me."what is it you desire Ronald the Weasley who summoned me again".

"Hold on hold on- what the fuck!, I summoned a god that's you and what do you mean again!?"

He sighs "what has your family taught you,!" This is sacred information that goes down generations. Please tell me if someone told you I actually exist!"

I chuckle sheepishly. "My great aunt always told us you exist but everyone else thinks it's a lie. I also thought it was just stories until I decided to actually try. Of course I had to find the book in the back of the library in Hogwarts-"

I stop as I see him and he's very angry. "Hogwarts Hogwarts- how dare they! Hogwarts is the worst place to send the family I blessed! How dare they send your family to the one place where the founders stole from the gods.!"

"Stole from the gods?"

His anger rises and the pressure makes me fall to my knees. "The founders stole from the gods and used it to start their school".

The pressure increases and I cough out blood. He looks down at me and his aura and the pressure disappears.  "I'm sorry Ronald please forgive me!" I cough again thankfully with no blood. "Call me Ron Thoth"

He smiles "of course Ron now tell me what it is you desire." I stand up again "I am able to see what will happen and I know we will lose no matter what we do. Please help me get the power to defend my family and friends!"

He looks at me in suprise then smiles. " A proper seer hasnt been born in generations in your family. It was you and you saw the fates of your family. I can give you the power but it all comes at a cost."

I smile widely. I can save my family and defeat Voldemort and we can all live! "Whatever you want Thoth please".

He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him

"Become my wife and goddess"


Author note- yeah was lazy to update but I swear I'm never doing 1000 words goal again. I'm to lazy for that

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